
Why Would Anyone Want That Job?

This may seem crazy but hear me out.

As the Iraq war grinds on, year after tiresome year, with more and more Americans turning against the whole enterprise, our Commander-in-Chief continues to try and sell this bucket of smoke to us. Nancy Pelosi remarks that President Bush has "a tin ear." I appreciate her sentiment, but with all due respect (which in any event isn't much) I believe House Leader Pelosi is dead wrong.

I think George Bush knows exactly how weird the Iraq situation is from top to bottom. I think he would have pulled out a long time ago, if... if he was really the one calling the shots (no pun intended). It's become blantantly ovious to me that there is a greater power at work here, and that GW is merely a puppet. How else can one explain his inscrutible policies about the Middle East and our own southern border?

Iraq is today's remnant of the great Mesopotamian civilization, Sumer. Mesopotamia was Babylon, the Tower of Babel, Eridu (Earth's first fully-functioning city), Kish (where "kingship was brought down to Earth" and the first human king was crowned). Sumer gave us almost every concept - language, writing, mathematics, architecture, the monetary system, civil law, medicine and so much more - that elevated us from primative to civilized man. Iraq occupies the lands once ruled by the first Sumerian human king to conquer vast territories, Sargon the Great, under the guidance and with the aid of his Lords, those in the lineage of the great god Enki. Because as the human population grew, the olden gods didn't wish to be directly involved with this rowdy new bunch. So they personally selected and appointed human "kings" to be their legal intermediaries, and high priests to be their technical emmissaries.

But the greatest of the olden gods eventually became disenchanted with humankind. Perhaps "disenchanted" falls far short of what they felt. The Twelve Who Rule - the highest pantheon of gods - were flat-out disgusted with "the black-headed people" as they called us. Not just us but with many of their own kind - lesser gods - who found the new humans "appealing." And so, male and female, the lesser gods took mates. A period of much hank-panky followed. Which led to demi-gods born by the dozens, each of whom grew up and demanded his or her own territory to rule. And so territorial wars spread over the lands, with humans doing the dying under the banners of these tin-plated demi-gods. They pulled the strings and humanity danced. These wars continue to this day. And that is the whole point of this treatise.

What makes us think the wars we see today are anything more than trivial conflicts about which demi-god will rule which land? Who do you think Abraham's Yahweh or Mohamud's Allah are? Who do you think Ptah and Ra are? Or Ishtar? Or any of the later iterations of pantheons such as those in Greece and Rome? They are simply different names for the same Enlil and Enki, and their sons Ninurta and Marduk (the biggest pain-in-the-ass god of all time) and Innana, and all the rest of the gods who demand obiescence and worship from the black-headed people. The olden gods may or may not have left Earth a couple of millennia ago, but the demi-gods are definitely still here, still goading the black-headed people (that would be all us humans) to combat in their names.

The olden gods ruled not just Mesopotamia, but anywhere we find the remnants of their awesome temples and other massive structures - the Indus Valley, Asia, Europe, Egypt, the ancient gold mines of Africa, Central and South America, probably even North America. When a god left Sumer for one reason or another, he or she would travel to another land and there design great temples and celestial timepieces - it's what they did. Egypt's Thoth going abroad to design Stonehenge but being called there by another name, for example.

I don't know exactly who these tin-horned demi-gods are today. They no-doubt blended into our societies centuries ago and appear on the surface to be like the rest of us. Perhaps they are behind the concept of "royal bood." Perhaps they are the elusive "illuminati." They are beyond doubt extremely wealthy, influential and hold certain ultimate aces up their royal sleeves. They live long lives, and may live large or may choose to reign quietly behind great stone walls.

I believe poor little George Bush had no idea what he was getting himself into. But by now I think he's figured it out. I'm betting there is nothing he can do about it now except to go along for the ride and try to save as much face as he can. Just like most other world leaders. After-all, what can he do? If he spoke of any of this in public, well now, he'd be put in a straight-jacket wouldn't he? Today we see a whole new cadre of fools tap-dancing their stupid little hearts out to become the next President. Why would any intelligent person want that job? They wouldn't; and even if they did, they wouldn't get it.