
Who Controls Our Nation's Destiny?

Most Americans labor under naive illusions about who controls our Nation.

We have been taught that the United States is a democracy. A republic. While it's certainly true we hold elections... correct me if I'm wrong...regardless of which political party is "in power" we seem to continue on a certain unalterable course. Prices rise. Wars are fought (and don't give me that Carter and Clinton didn't have their little wars). New inventions seem to appear out of the aether. Commerce changes. No matter how much money we pour down the bottomless hole of Education, it generates more failure each decade, yet there are always just enough "brains" in the world to make things advance. Entertainment becomes more crude as our culture step-by-step descends into a pit of gambling, drugs, and perverse sex. So exactly who is setting this course?

The so-called "Elite Media" continues to play their silly game in which The White House is The First Cause. Whatever happens, The Elite Media would have us believe The White House planned it. Of course, if the administration happens to be conservative, The Elite Media only highlights the bad things that these conservatives have allegedly destined to happen. Thus The White House is to blame for everything from the weather to the plight of the poor and uneducated to what people on the other side of the earth think of us. Well, regardless of what The Elite Media says, anyone whose IQ requires more than two digits to express knows this is a laughable overstatement. We know The White House does what it can just to keep its head above water. No matter who's in The White House, and from wherever comes the water. Things rarely if ever go as planned.

But if you look beyond The Elite Media's propaganda, it's clear THEY think THEY should control the Nation. How is this possible, you ask, when they have no control over Congress or The White House? It's easy. By deciding which news takes the lead, which editorials are featured, which guests appear on the political talk shows and so forth, The Elite Media projects a "version" of reality which it wants us to believe. Just as Al Jezeera projects a myth for its Arab viewers. By more often than not taking our enemy's point-of-view. By always offering narrowly selected evidence that The White House and any of us who believe in the Administration are wrong. This kind of selective reality is different from the old type of propaganda used by Soviet government. Because today's Elite Media "version" of the news is not even meant to mis-inform. It is in effect a dreamworld painted only by a point-of-view. It is simply the manifestation of a world view held by The Elite Media. By now everyone should know it's a secular progressive view dedicated to move us all incrementally toward The One World (Progressive Flavor).

Unfortunately, The Elite Media and its allies, the Intellectual Elite, Hollywood and the ACLU can't seem to control things any better than The White House. So what gives? The Elite Media is obvioulsy not in control. That's because all these entities - including the "non-profit" ACLU - are, in the end, businesses. And business has to make a profit in order to survive. So their agenda is constrained by this need. Money holds the reins. For example, let's say "Brokeback Mountain" had won Best Picture. This may have been seen as an intellectual endorsement of this type of film, but Big Money would most likely NOT have produced a whole bunch of this type of film next year because while the Elites may have endorsed it, it just didn't make enough money. The Elite Media and its allies will have to find another vehicle to push this particular piece of its Progressive Flavor. It must be Big Money which controls our Nations's Destiny, right? It must be Big Money, which monopolizes entire industries worldwide, controlling more and more of the world over fewer and fewer conference tables, slowly moving us toward The One World (Corporate Flavor). Truth be told, Big Money is good at making more big money and keeping the Middle and Lower Classes in debt, thus "in their place" ...but it is not very good at much else.

Could the world's religions, and their gods, be in charge of our Destiny? Is it the gods who keep us moving along this unalterable path? I'm afraid if this were so, priests, rabbis and the rest would be more famous and more revered than George Clooney and Cindy Sheehan, and we'd all be kneeling and bowing and scraping in front of their idols. But most thinking people don't see spirituality that way.

You certainly don't think YOU control your Destiny? You're too smart for that, aren't you? If you did, why you'd be George Clooney or Reece Witherspoon with Bill Gates's bank account, right? But you're not. Oh, don't give us that "I'm happy with my life just the way it is" bullshit. I have news for you, even Bill Gates and Donald Trump know they don't control their own Destinies. Okay, they do it a lot better than we do, but they know they're more lucky than in control. Destiny is something no one controls. It controls us.

I am inclined to believe there is a Force which controls human history here on Earth. Oh, it's not an absolute one hundred percent kind of control. It's a general kind of guidance provided a small group of initiates. Oh hell, let's just call them the Illuminati or whatever, it doesn't matter. They know who they are and we can only guess. People like George Bush and Bill Clinton are just as much pawns in their game as the rest of us. They just get a little more gravy. But you better believe they get their general orders from this group. Not for every little thing they do. No. General orders. Like "Do thus and such to bring the One World together." Or "This foreign nation must be taken out of the game... tell your people whatever you like... but they must be taken out."

Who are these people? It doesn't matter. They are human and they live and they die like the rest of us, but the control is passed from one generation another. Not through birthright, like royalty. But based on merit and dedication. What matters is that they follow a general plan developed for the human race many millennia ago, by let's call them The Old Ones. The Old Ones have great patience.

So don't for one minute think any of those who would have you believe they control our Nation and its Destiny really do. Not The Elite Media, not The White House, not The Vatican, not the Supreme Court, Not Congress, not Big Money, not Hollywood and certainly not We The People. The course our civilization takes is never direct, and it is full of surprises. Some of them are even good. Since you have no real control over events unless for some unknown reason The Old Ones choose you, as they chose George Bush and Bill Clinton (and who knows who will be next?), may I suggest you carefully observe events as they unfold, in light of what I have suggested here, and try to put this fascinating puzzle together. You may find it helps put world events into some kind of framework for you, provides some small measure of understanding, and the mental exercize can be just plain fun.