
Does GW Know Something?

As my opinion of the President, who I supported from the beginning not because I thought he'd make a very good president but because I believed in my heart that Al Gore would make a worse one, and because John Kerry and his wife are lower than a snail's belly... where was I? Oh yeh, as my opinion of GW has fallen to an all-time low, I am desperately searching for some reason that could redeem him in my eyes and maybe in yours too.

Looking at it from any angle, his decisions and opinions seem inexplicable. So I can only conclude one of two things. Either he is in so far over his head he hasn't any idea what is going on in the real world, or... and this is a big "or"... he knows something, something very important which because of its nature he cannot talk about or even let on to us that he knows "something."

Now George has been nothing if he hasn't been shrewd in a cunning sort of way. That's not the same as being bright or knowledgeable or even street-smart. Cunning is something altogether different. Something which most of us ordinary folks aren't. So I am inclined to believe, or want to believe, the latter reason. GW knows something he can't tell ANYbody. Something that even those around him can't know. Rummy maybe but probably not Cheney. His dad probably knows because he was President too, and once Director of the CIA.

How could this be? We call it "eyes only" classified information given strictly on a "need to know" basis. For example, the Manhattan Project during WWII was that sort of thing. Only a handful of people in DC knew about it, the Secy of Defense and a couple of others. FDR knew. Then Truman, But Harry's VP probably didn't know. Now Truman et al. sat on that secret for years till the A-bomb concept became reality. When he ordered it dropped in an attempt to end WWII, well... the next day the whole world knew. And what's more the United States was the only country in the world at that time to have this new monster weapon. Which is why we were at the top of the hill, until traitorous bastards, "the enemy within," communist sympathizers like the Rosenbergs and others, possibly some within the Manhattan Project team itself, apparently leaked enough information to our enemies for them to develop their own doomsday weapons. And the balance of power once again shifted. But I digress.

What could GW's secret be? If there is such a secret today, it is probably not a weapon exactly. More likely it has something to do with energy. It's the only way today's geo-political picture makes any sense. And from where does this new secret energy source come? Have you ever heard of Colonel Corso? The good Colonel passed away a couple of years ago. But before he did, he had a bizarre book published. You see, he worked deep, deep in the "black world" - in the world of underground military secrets. Things which never appear as what they are in any Congressional Budget. Like the development of the hydrogen bomb. While he wasn't at the top of the spook chain by any means, his particular role was unique. He claims that sometime after WWII and for years, he was liaison between the military black world and the R&D departments of certain of America's largest corporations. He was charged with bringing... how shall I put this... "new and not fully understood technology" to the appropriate R&D groups and allowing them to develop the stuff into useful inventions. Thus, we are told, high-speed computer chips, fiber optics and any number of new technologies "suddenly" emerged out of the black world and into general use. The public never really knew where they came from. There may be patent holders for specific inventions on the record, but holding the patent isn't the same as discovering the technology. But Corso knew from whence came the discoveries.

Corso may be gone, but others carry on his work. Certainly one of the things the black world has been working on for all these years is a totally new form of energy. Not a more efficient gasoline engine. Not something silly like wind or solar energy. For example, let's just say tachyon energy. Where this anti-matter is coaxed out of virtual space, collides with ordinary matter in a controlled environment, annihilating both, and in the process releases boundless energies which can be harnessed. There is no residue and little environmental impact. In this case, any amount of fuel you might want to use is virtually free and unlimited, though at first the engines will be very costly. But engines can be built, while we cannot create oil for gasoline. Thereby, we solve our dependence on the Middle East for our transportation energy. Of course, in the process, oil companies, Exxon et al., become the proverbial buggy whip manufacturers. They will go out of business. Unless. Unless, as a quid pro quo, they are given a heads-up that something is coming, and they have X number of years to make their profits, so that they can re-invest in this new new technology. Now they won't make money selling gas but selling some kind of new engine. Factor this notion into what you see happening in the real world today, vis-a-vis GW and the oil companies. A striking fit.

So where did Colonel Corso claim all this new technology was coming from? I'm over-simplifying here but let's just say deep, deep in underground laboratories, and by that he meant both literally and figuratively. Literally meaning places like Area 51 in Nevada, and figuratively at Lawrence Livermore Labs in California. Perhaps it has taken scientists all these decades to just begin to grasp the technologies glimpsed by reverse-engineering certain machines which were retrieved from a crash which certainly occurred in New Mexico in the summer of 1947, not far from a heavily guarded Army Air Corps Base, a base housing what may have been the only flight group charged with the awesome responsibility of carrying atomic bombs aloft.

If Corso was telling any kind of truth in what was virtually his "death-bed confession," this is the kind of stuff which would end up in front of the President, in a very thin folder marked Top Secret "Eyes Only." And if it wound up in front of GW, it's no wonder he has that look in his eyes these days. Like he knows something. And that something will impact world history, not just in the field of energy and transportation but also in the worlds of education, manufacturing, space exploration and even the distribution of the world labor forces.

It may be Corso's dream, but it's a good dream, and I want to believe it. The alternative is too grim to accept. An American President who has sold out his own people for thirty pieces of shale.