
The CommieZombies

There aren't too many things about my fellow man of which I am certain. If my long life and many human experiences have taught me anything about our nature, it is this: first, almost everything we are taught by parents, teachers, friends, the press, politicians is propaganda. Secondly, the younger we are when we are fed this propaganda, the more unlikely it is we will free ourselves from it.

Thus I see that the Catholic Church's philosophy - I am paraphrasing here - "Let me teach your children until they are ten years old and they will be mine forever" - a philosophy adopted by Marxists, Maoists, Hitler's education system, along every other would-be totalitarian power - is a very powerful tool in history's never-ending tide of Movements.

I bring this all up because I was shocked - it takes a lot to shock me these days - to hear interviews with students at Boston College, students who had demonstrated against Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice receiving an honorary degree.

First let me clearly state that whether or not I agree with anyone's point-of-view, I certainly maintain they have a right to lawfully express their views. It's not the views of the students that shocked me. It was their voices. These poor youngsters sounded like zombies, in the thrall of the dumbest - the DUMBEST! - Leftist-Progressive-Socialist professors this country has to offer. And we have a lot of 'em to offer.

It wasn't their views that shocked me, because just hearing them I knew they weren't expressing their own views at all. They were, as I did when I was ten years old, simply repeating the mantra of their teachers - and not doing a very coherent job of it. But by the time I was fourteen, I had figured out that you can't learn anything about life from the mantra of a teacher. These students sounded incredibly naive, so eager to accept the propaganda, well on their way to becoming as dumb as their professors. God Lord, I thought, we are about to unleash another generation of Commiezombies into our crippled culture.

How did we get to this terrible place in history? I believe it began when refugees from Soviet Union repression made their way to America early in the 20th Century. These people, while seeking social freedom, were unfortunately already indoctrinated in the propaganda of the USSR's Socialist Movement. No matter how far they ran from the USSR, they could never escape the propaganda with which they themselves had been infected as youngsters. And so they brought Socialistic-Progressive ideas with them, steeping their own children in Marxist ways. Not necessarily overtly - no - this process of learning happens almost more by osmosis. The irresistible force they use is the hammer of Political Correctness. Thus a new generation of Americans was infected with the aggressively Liberal ideas of an anti-American culture. This was not just another run-of-the-mill generation. The Jewish people being admirably ambitious and deeply dedicated to higher education, this new generation went on to become educators, journalists, entertainers, lawyers and political activists. People like Alan Ginsberg and our current Chief Propagandist of the U.S. Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsberg. By the 1960's, the PC movement had swept through a good portion of the non-Jewish population as well. People who had no idea they were being swept up in an anti-capitalist, anti-American Movement born in the latter part of the previous century.

Thus our culture became infected over the last 70 or so years. This breed of educator is the one which day-by-day infected us, and now has infected younger generations, with the propaganda of the World Socialist-Progressive Movement. That breed of journalist gradually transformed our news media from a pro-American watchdog to America-is-never-right activists. Our legal system went from one distinctly American to one much more like that in other "Progressive" countries - defending every pervert and every perversion which fits the Progressive Movement. Hollywood and television went from relatively innocent entertainment to propaganda which mocks everything we always thought of as "American." Nothing white, Christian or wholesome is beyond their mocking. And the mocking becomes more lascivious with each season. Political activists now support anyone or anything which tears down the very foundations of our national culture. From Christian symbols, to the institution of marriage, to the very idea of Christmas itself. They protest our incursion into the Middle East, where arguably we are trying to bring some measure of freedom and progress for women, at the same time they rigidly defend the invasion of America by an army of untrustworthy aliens. In our most liberal New England States, Progressives support draconian punishment for those who might do harm to their pets, but protest punishment for child predators - as long as they are not Catholic priests - in which case, in an effort to bankrupt the Church, they will seek and usually get heavy financial damages.

This is what they call Progress. This is what they expend their energies upon. Not inventing new sources of energy. Not reaching out into space to expand our horizons. Not building better highways and buildings and mousetraps. Not creating more uplifting entertainment. No. Progress to them means "Bring it all down, baby." Presumably to be replaced with their World Socialist Movement where they, and not you, will dictate what your children (and maybe you) can and can't do, eat or say. What you can or can't read, where you can or can't go, and when you can or can't go there.

I heard all this and more, in between the lines, in the dreadful voices of those wretched college students. America may not survive another generation of Commiezombies. We who are over sixty witnessed, in our youth, the zenith of The American Experience. It will be left to us, those of us who survive the machinations of the Commiezombies, to grieve the passing of a great culture. And maybe of a great nation.