

      We have officially passed the tipping point in California where plain ol’ whites are outnumbered by the combination of Hispanic, African-American, Asian and all “other” citizen voters (at least they claim to be citizens). California already hears loud calls from the “new” Latino community to secede from the Gringo’s Union.

      Just as Stalin took over Romania, it might start with a non-violent but aggressive campaign for California to abdicate its US Statehood. Some sort of “unofficial” Mexifornia government might be installed; one recognized by the Latino population but not by anyone else; paralleling California’s regularly elected officials. One morning, Golden Staters will wake up to a very different dawn.

      The secessionists already have infiltrated California’s social and government services bureaucracies to a degree where they are one step away from being de facto governors. They will have the support of a good deal of California’s legally-elected officials, many of whom are, or will be, Mexican-American, and the usual liberal Democrats who believe they know which side their jalapeno bread is buttered on. They will have the support of most of the State’s University faculties and student bodies, the State’s newspapers and journalists, and many others who have no idea what they really are supporting.

If serious resistance is met, Mexifornian leaders will turn to their enforcers ...the drug cartel which has infected the State right under everyone’s eyes. Thousands of gang members are just waiting for California to be de-Americanized; for the police forces to be neutered so they may be free to intimidate anyone who resists The Movement.

      There will be a special voting day, different from the US’s regular voting day. They will have a special name for it. Hispanic-only candidates will square-off, debate “Hispanic issues” and perhaps even advertise their campaigns in the only-too-willing media, all at reduced advertising prices. Of course non-Hispanics won’t be welcome in the race. Of course the real Governor of California will not challenge the secessionists because he won’t want to start a civil war, so he will try to negotiate from a weak and untenable position.

      Quasi-mayors and a governor will be elected to preside over Mexifornia. Little by little, everything will move closer to a “free Mexifornia.” Hispanics will dance around the streets and come up with a new Independence Day, probably Cinco de Mayo. They will begin the final process of disenfranchising the gringo from whatever he owns, built or controls. Mexifornia will be degring-ized. Mexican radio and tv stations will overpower the stations you now watch and listen to.

      But certain other things will be happening, probably unnoticed by the gleeful new Hispanic leaders. State revenues will fall dramatically as large corporations relocate and small businesses flee for their lives. The State’s financial ratings will plunge. The real estate market will be decimated by white flight. Other minorities, the African-American community in particular, will exhibit growing antagonism to the new leadership and, fearing the loss of its own entitlements and its traditional domination of certain lines of employment, will begin its own counter-revolution.

      The crime rate will soar as gangs go unchecked by a police department psychologically unprepared and overwhelmed by the insurgency. The new governor will turn not to Washington DC for help, but to Mexico City. Prepared well in advance, Mexico’s Presidente will send Federalis in to help control Los Angeles and other hotbeds of violence. Once here, they will have the opposite effect of course.

      Finally, the crisis will fall at the doorstep of Congress and the White House. The Constitution forbids State secession from the Union. What America’s Civil War was REALLY about.

      Whoever the U.S. President is at that point will have an incredibly difficult decision to make. Does he (or she) allow California to become something other than one of the fifty United States? When the President and Congress conclude, as they must, that it is against the best interests of the Union to lose California, what steps will be taken to avoid calamity? Will the Minute Men next be forced to build a fence between California and neighboring States, Nevada and Arizona?

      The exodus of businesses, and white citizens heading for Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, has already started. Taxes, crime, and gun sales are up. But California is far too great a State to leave. We must save her from this ugly fate. If California is lost, can Florida, Hawaii and other States be far behind?

      The President and Congress better get on the ball, because from where I sit we are just about there. One or two more steps, one slip and California will plunge into an abyss that makes the San Andreas Fault seem like a freeway pothole.

      Our leaders in Washington DC always seem to be shocked! – caught completely flat-footed by major events – 9/11, hurricanes, floods, terrorism and all the rest. I doubt they really understand what chaos is brewing on their Left Coast.

      Do you?