
Kerry's Confession

For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, "Freudian slip", or parapraxia, is a very real phenomenon. One example would be an error in speech caused by the unconscious mind. Some errors - a husband accidentally calling his wife by the name of the woman with whom he is cheating - are obvious cases of Freudian slips. In other cases, the error might appear to be trivial but shows some deeper significance on analysis.

It begins with something which you have locked in your subconscious, often because it is something you are ashamed of. If you are not careful with your words, the embarrassing idea will squirt out in conversation.

This is exactly what happened to John Kerry when he said "...You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

Of course we understand he was TRYING to say it was George Bush who is the poor ill-educated dummy who got stuck in Iraq. Nevermind that George was by far the better scholar of the two. All that doesn't matter now. Kerry's subconscious twisted his tongue so his guilt slipped out - he accidentally said what, deep down, he actually believes. In effect this is Kerry's confession. His party is angry. He embarrassed his liberal Democrat friends because, well golly gee, this is what they secretly all believe. They look down their pseudo-aristocratic noses at the military (not to mention the police and anyone else the rest of us describe as "The Good Guys").

Kerry's past behavior belies his pathetic claim that he, as a medaled veteran himself, respects the military. Videotape recording of his testimony before Congress, after his Viet Nam experience, wherein he trashes those he served with, is extremely painful to listen to. It literally drips with his pseudo-aristocratic arrogance. The phony patrician accent, the supercilious attitude, the calculated graphic phrases. It is crystal clear that he detests the military, and yes he detests all the rest of us, "the unwashed." In his failed Presidential campaign for 2004, he goes on to claim our troops in Iraq are breaking down doors in the middle of the night to slaughter innocent women and children. Does this sound like a man who has any regard for the men and women who serve our country?

With his Freudian slip, Kerry re-focused the debate in the last week of this current Congressional campaign away from Iraqi and back to the disdain he and many in his party feel toward the military and any extention of power the US exerts. The elite liberal Democrats, the likes of Kerry, Pelosi, Murtha, Rangel et al. despise the fact that the US military - whether or not they are succeeding - is out there on a noble mission, getting attention, getting the funding, while they, the smarter-than-the-rest-of-us liberal Democrats, are sucking hind teat.

John Kerry, in my opinion, is a despicable boy, running a close second behind Ted Kennedy. Kennedy's name, position and fortune was inherited. Kerry's was carefully and scandalously manipulated. His past qualifies him to lead nobody - except perhaps a school for gigilos. He represents that class of phony wealthy politician who wants you to believe they have sympatico with the poor they supposedly represent. He and other wealthy Democrats, Pelosi being one of the wealthiest in Congress, prance about declaring Bush's tax-cuts only benefit wealthy Americans... but you can bet these wealthy Democrats are reaping the benefits and stashing it in off-shore banks to avoid paying their fair share. This is the height of hypocracy. Is it any wonder Kerry's subconscious appears to be burdened by guilt?

America intuitively knows these weasels will do anything, say anything, deal with any devil, including America's declared enemies, just to get back into leadership roles. Are the Republicans any better? In many ways they are not. But at least in terms of who embraces the idea of a traditional America and what it means, they stand heads above the many Democrats in Congress who subscribe to a progressive America. "Progressive" of course is Marxist-speak for let's have an "id par-tay!" where the elite are free to let it all hang out and anyone who criticizes their behavior is "re-educated."

If the blame-America-first, military-hating "progressive" Democrats are the kind of people you trust to run our nation and protect what remains of our culture, go ahead, give them your vote. You will get exactly what you deserve. Unfortunately, the rest of us will be stuck watching the chaos, and paying the piper.