

     It’s kind of awful, unable to do much of anything meaningful, sitting by, watching and muttering as the left and its minions on the streets of America rampage on, like a pack of hungry mice chewing away on the very fabric of The Constitution. No... more than The Constitution: tradition, reality and common sense.
     In deeply troubling times, bamboozled voters elected America’s first African-American president. How proud the cheering throng was. He was going to “change” things. How could what polling suggested, at the time, was a majority conservative nation, elect an unknown, untested fellow named Obama? They were so thoroughly brainwashed by Hollywood films which portrayed black men as hero presidents, that they believe that’s how it would be if they elected an African-American president. Why, black presidents were so effective they saved the world from aliens. But as we see, reality and screen plays are two entirely different things. Apparently, Chris Matthews’ “simpletonian” voters are unable to grasp such subtleties. Great job, Hollywood. You guys are the Maytag Men of brain-washers.
     Now, the left is dedicated to elect a woman for pretty much the same reason.
     In both cases, it’s as if it’s nothing more than a movie casting call to the Hollywood left and their legion of adoring simpleton followers. Who gets the part? The most accomplished person? The person with the best plan to revive our economy? The person with the best plan to deal with Putin and the Middle East chaos? Maybe the most honest person? No. None of this is on the casting table. The one who is chosen is the one the director and studio execs think “fits the part.” The part being the next baton carrier for the left’s world-wide socialist agenda. And when it’s decided, the entire entertainment legion, having received its orders, marches out and sells the anointed one to the simpletons in the hinterburghs of America.
     It’s the same script every cycle. Road trips. Hand shaking in diners stocked with SAG movie extras.
     Places! Lights! Sound (speed!) Camera (rolling!) ...and...action! 
     Hillary visits a diner in Mayberry, shaking hands with Goober, Emma Watson and Floyd the barber while they’re making fun of Barney Fife over coffee and half-baked gooseberry pie. 
     “How y’all doin’ this here fine day?” says Hillary in her best Southernese.
     Miss Emma blinks hard and whispers across the table to Goober, “Golly Neds, Goober... I think she’s Hillary!
     “Say it agin...” says Goob.
     Emma says, “Yer that there fine lady runnin’ for president, right? Can I have yer autygraph?”
     “You folks gonna vote fer me?”
     “Sho nuf!”
     “Yes’m, Miss Hillary,” stammers the Goob, “What this country needs is a nahs female type lady president. Just lahk in that there Battlestar Galactica tv show I seen once.” He whispers to Emma “She saved them all from sure death.”
     Hillary turns to Floyd. “And who are you, handsome?”
     “Awwww, you know who I am. Floyd Lawson, proprietor of Floyd Lawson’s Barber Shoppe. Floyd Lawson proprietor, ma’m. I’m Floyd. Uh, say, does Bill need a haircut? He’s looking a bit shaggy.”
     Hahahahaha! Hillary screams, startling Goober... he spits out coffee from the saucer he was slurping on. Floyd laughs at Goober’s clutziness, “Yer gonna have to leave a bigger tip now, Goob.”
     “I got yer tip right here, Floyd!”
     “Cut!” shouts the director. “Strike the set. Okay crew, let’s move on to the next scene... the bowling alley...”
     And so it goes.

     But the reality is, our glorious first African-American president is not saving the nation or anything else. He’s on a political rampage, destroying Traditional America with pen and phone. And all you can do is sit by and shake your head, because everyone knows it’s happening and everybody knows nobody will do anything about it because we live in an era of political correctness which is the same as political cowardice. Washington, DC is grabbing all the tax dough it can before the bakery runs out. And all you can do is hope The Constitution lasts another year and maybe, just maybe a new president will be able to undo some of the worst damage. And some of you even have a nightmare that maybe Mr Obama won’t give up the White House. He’ll create some national crisis in which he can set aside law and assume his role as dictator. Why not, you think? He’s set up the mechanisms, hasn’t he? And by then he’ll have another army of imported jihadists to back him up.
     Fear not. Even Hollywood isn’t calling for scripts for that movie. Even they know theyll be among the first targets.
     But they have produced more than one with a woman president. And because she’s a woman, she can’t be criticized about substantive things. Only email issues that never go anywhere anyway because Hollywood’s script reads: What difference, at this point, does it make? 
    One thing is for damn sure; Hollywood hasn’t produced one with a wealthy businessman who gets the voters’ mandate to go to D.C. and clean up the mess, the corruption, the cronyism and the rip-off of your tax dollars. Build up the military. Cut spending. Stop unfettered immigration. Build a wall. All that mean-spirited common sense conservative stuff.
     Do you think we’ll ever see that movie? Only if it’s a Peter Sellers comedy of errors.