

 “Perhaps they know,
as much as anybody,
that they are in danger.
They simply would rather see
American men and women,
dying to preserve their safety” ~David Brooks

     Perhaps now that the politics of terrorism has brought this Western European cultural phenomenon into sharper focus, you have sensed the lack of a certain responsibility within the European Union. In the aftermath of terrorist activity within EU member nations, the lack seems to have become more obvious. And, though their intentions may be altruistic, liberals in America are opening their arms to invite the same cultural attitudes to cross the Atlantic. It is difficult to see how this same problem will not infect us over here.
     The culture of the European Union takes for granted passionate expectations of comfort and personal financial security for its citizens. After terrible wars and violence in which tens of millions of Europeans were slaughtered, there is an understandably strong aversion to war. This seems to have generated a political correctness which reflects an unsettling sense of guilt in the European mindset. Perhaps there is a fear that there is something inherent in European passions which, if let loose again, could cause horrors to be unleashed. As a result, for decades since the end of World War II, European nations have come to rely heavily upon America for military security. In essence they are saying let the stupid American dogs protect us. Why not? America doesn’t charge much for the service.
     Perhaps, to liberal minds in America, there is nothing wrong with all this: an aversion to military action, short work weeks, guaranteed leisure time, financial security, and more. Socialism. In some ways European culture is admirable. The EU is more than a political structure, it is also a cultural vehicle. The best of each nation’s culture, products and attitudes are easily transportable across borders within the EU. But so are the EU’s economic problems. And therein lies the rub.
     When times are good, EU cultural expectations can be realized across its many borders. But when the European economy is not going great, and there are many aggressive military challenges within its many borders, Europeans sense their own weakness. They fear their personal financial security is at risk. Their culture regards fighting as beneath them... but reliance upon the U.S. these days is sketchy, President Obama has shown no passion for military or even political involvement, so, EUers worry, who will protect them from outside aggression? Having no clear answer, they hide their heads in cheese and wine.

      The Atlantic Ocean is wide, but not so wide as to prevent this kind of thinking from taking strong hold on American culture, severely limiting America’s will to protect Western values. Guaranteed comfort and all the rest, are seductive promises. But the cost is living under the ever-growing heavy thumb of Uncle Sam. George Washington fought and won a war to liberate us from European royalty and elitism. Many of us descend from, and still have great affection for, our European roots. But having won our independence, do we still, nearly two-and-a-half centuries later, owe Europe elitism the potential spilling of more of our most precious blood?
     Donald Trump is right about this too. NATO and the entire subject of Europe’s contribution to its own safety need a long-overdue overhauling.