

     One session on the internet, whether social or political – particularly perusing readers’ comments – illustrates one thing very clearly; the higher technology rises, the lower our culture sinks.
     Certainly it’s not the fault of technology, which in general has made our lives more convenient.
     The fault lies with users. The internet instantaneously spreads not just information and news, but dis-information and unreliable news. Commentary then quickly degenerates to the worst, darkest side of human nature.
     The culture of rebellious youth gravitates toward the lowest common denominator; attracted to street language, street garb, street attitude and total lack of grace and manners. As we fall farther toward an immoral, uncivil, chaotic abyss, technology increases the rate of descent. Not just on our devices, but in our face-to-face transactions. Pity the poor check-out clerks at local markets, and order takers at fast food drive-thru’s who are faced with it day-in and day-out – hearing and seeing it all – with smiles pasted on their faces, and “thank you’s” passing over their lips.
     It is far too easy for commenters to unleash hatred from the dark corners of their id in the relative anonymity of the net. Chubby nebbishes present themselves on the internet as satanspawn or worse; frustrated heroes captatlantis hurl epithets at one another; elderly church ladies call themselves maneater or whatever suits their alter egos. Each unabashedly unleashes his or her darkest fantasies on others with equally absurd names.
     We would like to believe America’s basic moral sentiment is good and positive – and in most cases of everyday life, it is! But if our internet culture does not have a rebirth of goodness, it will remain little more than the technologically advanced gutter culture it has become.
     America’s problems, from politics to race relations have been exacerbated by internet users’ inability to allow their better angels – if better angels any longer be – influence their language and actions.
     On-line vitriol toward others we do not even know – who in other circumstances we might even call friend – is difficult to stop when there is little or no price to pay.

     The internet was designed originally to provide free access for the exchange of ideas for scientists and engineers in a limited environment. It was not originally designed to be a world-wide web. Which is why it is almost impossible to make it truly secure. This original principle of free access is also what has allowed it to evolve – unintentionally! – into the littered highway for social interaction, dis-information and schlocky advertising which it has become. Somewhere early on it was corrupted by the same people who corrupt everything else good. But do not think this can go on forever. Non-elected bureaucratic types will eventually, perhaps even soon, do their best to restrict your usage, forcing rebels and fanatical partisans farther and farther into the dark corners of the net, or to alternate internets beyond anyone’s control.
     I cannot imagine today’s users and commenters cleaning up their own acts. It’s far too tempting and easy to log on and vent your anger anonymously than to research any given subject and comment reasonably, affably, intelligently. This requires a willingness to soften partisanship and adopt an attitude of independent, critical thinking – something apparently far beyond the parameters of inadequate IQ found on the internet.