“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book
rewritten, every picture repainted, every statue and street
building renamed, every date altered. And the process
is continuing day by day. History has stopped.
Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always
right.” ~George Orwell, “1984”
Is this what you want, America? Well, it’s where you are heading.
It is embarrassing to watch my fellow Americans all across the spectrum – and I mean all across! Far Left to Far Right and everybody between – having a nationwide meltdown over, of all things, statues, bas reliefs, monuments, and street and building names. Statues for God sakes! You who are screaming, cursing, burning, punching. Every one of you ought to be ashamed, whatever side you stand on. You are fooling no one!
We’re witnessing a major clash of ideologies. Another tumultuous time in our history. Juxtaposed against an underlying unreasonable fear and loathing of our President. The two have become illogically intertwined, and somehow the phony anger finds release in the destruction of monuments and one another.
Let me ask you Lefties one simple question... try to be honest with yourself for once... one week ago, or one month ago, or one year or ten years ago... did you even give one damn thought to any of these statues and paintings? I know the answer. No. You didn’t. Nobody did. Even Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe was praising the Confederate hero statues as monuments to the pride of the South just awhile back. And now, listening to all these political hacks run for cover is embarrassing... all just because the internet exploded with the cries of the perpetually offended.
Oh, of course they’re not perpetually offended. Can you even image an adult in this nation actually engulfed by fear and loathing at the sight of a... statue? Or a carving, or street name, or a painting? They’re not offended. They’re paid! Paid to pretend to be offended! They’re such good actors, some of them, that they’ve got others to believe they are really offended to the point of tears (are you hearing this Van Jones?) But the ones out in the streets, wearing masks and helmets are paid. By the minions of the likes of George Soros. The international billionaire criminal who apparently has had nothing else to do for the last thirty years but sow discontent and chaos in the countries he hates. Most notably, America.
My fellow Americans, patriots, listen to me. Don’t be fooled by all this emotional garbage, fomented by Soros and the media, paid street thugs and internet trolls. The terrible irony here is that the very people who are out there protesting and rioting in the name of hating fascism, Nazi-ism and all the rest, are being funded by an admitted Nazi sympathizer! Mr. Soros himself.
This man and his wealthy and influential friends are poison to a free people. A man who would turn on his own people and profit from it is the Judas of our times.
If you listen to him, and the Alinskies’ and all the other “destroy America” triators who follow a carefully crafted plan, you will be dancing at the end of their puppet strings. They are paying to sow chaos. And you, in your eagerness to exact some crude glory on the streets, are allowing the puppet masters to attach their sticky strings onto your limbs. Denounce them while you still can! Everyone on every side. Stop letting a handful of America-haters who dress themselves in the costumes of champions of the underclass dictate the way you think. Think for yourself. If you still can. Your anger and disgust should be directed at them... not at each other.
Were you really “offended” by General Robert E. Lee? Do you actually know anything about him? Have you been cringing when somebody hands you a bill decorated with the portrait of James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, or Andrew Jackson, or (if you are lucky enough to get one) Ben Franklin? Or for heaven’s sake, the patriot who literally risked his life to make possible all the freedoms you enjoy... The Father of Our Country, General Washington? I doubt you’ve been cringing much, otherwise you wouldn’t be accepting blood money from Soros’ minions.
All this statue destruction reminds me of the Taliban. Remember the images of their monument destroying? Or the Russian Revolution. Or Mao’s Chinese Revolution where the entire nation was purged of anything the “new” dictators didn’t like. That’s exactly what you all are doing. Whether you are the one doing the toppling, or someone in any form of the media who is cheering them on. What’s next? Burning books? A witch hunt for anyone who holds some view you don’t like?
These statues, monuments and paintings are works of art. There are many paintings of Satan on the walls of the most prestigious museums... we look at them and marvel at the talent of the painter. As much as we hate Satan, we have no inclination to tear down the paintings, even though many believe Satan is at work to this very day in the world. Will artists, writers and composers no longer be free to create because they choose to create things you don’t like? Are we to re-enter a New Dark Age when non-conformity is the only capital crime?
Would I defend to the death your right to free speech? No. Not if you’re saying stupid things. And right now, America is saying very stupid and dangerous things.
Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion is undoubtedly true in politics as well:
“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
President Trump may not have addressed the latest violent conflict between Left and Right the way I would, or the way the media likes, but what he said about the Charlottesville rioters is incredibly smart. Perhaps too much so for the media to grasp since they view everything through their narrow liberal filter.
Allow me to explain two simple points. First; no one is more aware than President Trump that the overwhelming number of deeply partisan tv broadcast voices are on the Left. If they do not literally hate him, their mission is to destroy his presidency by twisting every word and deed into bad news. America’s tv news watchers rarely get to hear the other side of any story. If a story can be painted with an anti-Trump, anti-conservative brush, 95% guaranteed it will be. Therefore, against all wishes of his advisors, the President steps right out onto the thinnest ice and presents the other side himself. This undoubtedly is why he felt compelled to make his comments about murder and mayhem in Charlottesville.
Second; I have written at length about this before, but how long do the Left, it’s financial supporters and that 95% of the media, think the Right will sit by and watch as our nation’s traditions are disassembled piece by piece? Is it not reasonable to believe the build-up of resentment toward the Left will not result in “an equal and opposite reaction?” Because of the internet, Middle America has finally been awakened to the collusion of the Left. Or at least to its methodologies. Those tried and true methods which brought about socialistic, Marxist and communist revolutions in country after country; none of which, I might add, has worked out to the benefit of its citizens. Those with even the most humble understanding of history see the inevitable dead end to the pursuit of this hollow 19th Century philosophy.
It starts with control of the media (now 95% accomplished). It continues with the infiltration of the education system and indoctrination of the nation’s youth with identity politics. Government control of the healthcare system. Expansion and control of the welfare system. Diminution of the military. Importing millions of poor immigrants to overturn our voting patterns. Attempting to disarm the citizenry. Using political correctness as a sledge-hammer to break down the traditions of a nation. Attacking the nation’s traditional religions, but supporting one they don’t actually believe in but use to advance their cause anyway. Pumping thousands of Leftist lawyers out of our institutions of learning, using those lawyers to bend the very laws meant to protect America’s traditions and turn them against America’s traditions. Using indoctrinated students and paid youths as strong-arms of the Left’s agenda, literally paying them to riot – all in the name of “peaceful demonstrations” to air their latest sense of offense. Divide the nation by race, age, wealth, gender, and delineate thinner and thinner slices of a mind-boggling rainbow of sexual orientation, all pitted against one another. Turning brother against brother, family against family. Now we begin to see the phase where the Left attempts to eradicate our national history and identity by destroying the nation’s revered monuments. How long before the one-dollar bill has George Washington erased from its face and replaced by Julius Rosenberg? Need I go on? All these things are becoming and have become fact in our time.
So America elected a new president who shares the opinion of many Americans’ that his predecessor (as well as his Democrat opponent) were on the side of the international Left. Trump doesn’t like the idea that America has, for more than 50 years, been under constant attack from the Left. If his mere presence in the White House has somehow spurred the Right to finally put up resistance to this attack on its traditions... if our “elite” Media really believes this... I must say it is quite a remarkable thing, isn’t it?
All the usual reasons stated for Trump’s remarkable win are true to some degree or another, but one of the unstated, subliminal reasons he was elected is that voters, many in the middle, could finally see, after eight years of Democratic leadership, how the culture and traditions of their country were under serious and systematic attack. Many believe by a cabal of the Left, funded and inspired by globalists including the despicable George Soros.
Just as Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion predicts every action will have an equal and opposite reaction, we are witnessing such a reaction in the politics of Left and Right. This growing segment of America’s formerly silent majority has decided to fight back. Oh they may not quite know how to go about it yet, and they may not be eager to talk about it in public for fear of the Left’s PC police ganging up on them, but they are learning.
They may believe that if President Trump goes down, so goes the America they all knew. The America President Obama said was the greatest nation the world has ever known... and who then went on to say he and his administration were going to change it. What!? Do you need more evidence? Trump may be the Right’s last best hope. There may never again be someone smart enough, tough enough and independent enough to take up the mantle. If you believe America’s traditions are good, not evil as the Left decries, you don’t have to like Donald Trump, but my fellow patriots, you must support him any way you can.