It was like, one night, I went to sleep on the planet Earth. Everything seemed normal. When I woke up, nothing seemed normal. Apparently I’ve been transported to the planet Yoko.
On Yoko, everything is different. The Yokums grow up thinking their government should take care of their every whim from cradle to grave. They go to the kind of colleges where they run to “safe spaces” in case their delicate feeling get hurt. And their feelings get hurt by almost anything. Especially if it has anything to do with the deplorable white Yokums. Their Yokommie professors encourage this type of behavior. Thank goodness we don’t have anything like that back on Earth.
Yokums do not trust their government. Their Yokongress lies. Many politicians on Yoko lie. It’s de rigueur, you know. Heck, Yoko’s intel communities actually spy on their fellow Yokums! Can you believe that?
On Yoko, perpetual revolution, chaos, destabilization of the order is the Yokan ideal. Yokums have no use for the likes of their first president, George Yokington, nor for their Founding Yokums. They romanticize revolutionaries like Che Yokevara and Yocolm X. Anyone who hates Yoko and murders any of their fellow Yokums who are wealthy, is a Yokan hero, while anyone who is a patriot is a considered a racist on Yoko. It’s a good thing we don’t have anything like that on Earth.
I even heard that some Yokum sports celebs refuse to stand with their hand over their heart when Yoko’s National Anthem is played. They actually kneel as if they were in church. And now they are desecrating statues of Yoko’s historic figures... like Yokopher Columbus... and rejecting Yoko cultural traditions! If something like that ever happened on my beloved Earth, these people would be fined, shunned and maybe even jailed. Believe me.
The Yokums are rather piggish. They dress awful, they act awful and they speak awful. They have some kind of ugly art injected into their skin. There is even a book, “The Illustrated Yokum” by Ray Yokbury. It’s about a tattooed man, but on Yoko it’s not sci-fi. It’s real! Oh yeh! I’m not kidding.
Local Yokums have weird hairdos, rings and jewels and things stuck through holes in their flesh. They listen to ungodly awful sounds that some ugly Yokums perform with bizarre gyrations of their arms and legs, and blather some kind of awkward rhyming hate-filled obscenities. They even get awards and prizes for this. Can you imagine! I’m really glad we didn’t have anything like that when I left Earth.
I am completely stunned by how many Yokums use illicit drugs. Whole industries have grown up around the smuggling of drugs from Yoxico into Yomerica. They even have some kind of primitive pipe thing where they inhale flavored steam and exhale it into the air in long streams like an old style locomotive. They celebrate getting hammered, stoned and higher than a kite. They are compulsive gamblers and will bet on anything from sports to the Yazdaq Stock Exchange. I’m so glad we didn’t have anything like that when I left Earth.
On Earth, people go to school, graduate, got a job, marry their sweetheart, work hard, get promotions, save some money, buy a car, have kids, buy a house, raise their families according to the social norms learned from the generations who came before us. None of this is so on Yoko.
When I went to sleep that fateful night, it was with the understanding that if you wanted to get somewhere in life, you worked for it. Nobody owed you anything. But on Yoko, the government gives Yokums whatever they need. So Yokums don’t work very hard. They sit around playing games, watching – but not playing – sports. They get very fat, have all kinds of sicknesses and conditions, and still they swagger around the streets and malls of New Yoko as if they are hot yokit. Of course Yokans don’t like to call themselves “fat.” They use euphemisms like “portly,” “plump” and “zoftig.” We would never do anything like that on Earth.
When I left Earth, adults in general had morals, were polite and their clothing was decent. On Yoko, everybody is a slob. Yokums dress like pigs. Eat like pigs. Live like pigs. And talk like pigs. At least Earth has some standards in entertainment. We have films like Gone With the Wind, My Fair Lady, and The Pink Panther. But on Yoko, they want blood and guts. The more the merrier. They want sex. Not the vaguely suggestive kind of Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn. No, Yokans demand the real thing. Quadruple X. They prefer movies like Scarlet Blows Like the Wind, My Fair Bimbo, and The Pink Panties.
Yokums drive cars that bounce, motorcycles that make enough noise to wake the dead; they have all kinds of guns and gangs... and in big cities like Yokago they shoot and kill each other whenever they can. Can you even imagine anything like that on Earth? No way, right?
Something that really frosts me though, is how some brilliant Yokum will invent something amazing, but not have the where-with-all to make some money from his efforts. Then, some creepy little Yokum comes along and uses that invention to become one of the richest Yokums on Yoko. And nobody thinks there’s anything wrong with that! Boy, if anything like that ever happened on Earth... grrr!
So after a few months here on Yoko, I’ve had enough. Yoko sucks. Too many Yokums cheat, steal, lie, are stupid, vindictive, vicious and untrustworthy. So every night now I fall asleep with the hope I may wake up back on Earth. Or maybe find someone with a transporter beam to send me back to my beloved Earth where people aren’t like Yokums. I just don’t fit on Yoko.
To the Democratic Party, only some black lives matter; those who vote Democrat.
If all black lives mattered to the Democratic Party, it would aggressively crusade against the horrible black-on-black murder rate in America’s big cities. There were almost 6,000 blacks killed by other blacks in the most recent year statistics were available, 2015. Instead, while in many of America’s large cities, the number of blacks killed in gang violence continues, the Democratic Party, which holds high office in these cities, blames Republicans and police department policies but is otherwise silent. Why? Gangs don’t vote, so they don’t seem to matter to the Democratic Party. Apparently they feel it’s simpler and cheaper to bury the dead than to keep them from dying. President Trump has made an issue of this atrocity; we shall see if he is able to convince Democrat mayors and congressmen to reduce the mayhem in the inner cities of America.
If all black lives mattered to the Democratic Party, they would not support the aborting of millions of black babies. From 1970 to 2013 (according to the most recent statistics of the CDC) in the United States, a total of 51,888,303 babies were aborted! While black women make up only six percent of the U.S. population, they account for 35 percent of abortions reported. Those reported!
If all black lives mattered to the Democratic Party, they would be negative toward illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants take jobs from African-American citizens, contributing to the plight of some African-Americans. But, alas, the Democratic Party projects that illegal immigrants will eventually get the vote, and will be a larger Democratic Party voting constituency than African-Americans... so...
If all black lives mattered to the Democratic Party, they would treat all African-Americans with dignity, not with insulting patronization, as if they are incapable of thinking for themselves. They would not continue to claim that conservatives and Republicans want to bring back the bigotry of the distant past. They would not help perpetuate the hate and sow mistrust of all Republicans simply to keep the African-American community voting Democrat.
If all black lives mattered to the Democratic Party, they would not support far leftist academics who preach anti-American, racist and Marxist theory to young blacks who, at that tender age, have no context within which to evaluate the propaganda they are fed. This is further exacerbated by refusing to allow contradictory opinions and facts to be presented to the students. Is it, therefore, any wonder that these students are easily persuaded to participate in anti-American, anti-white demonstrations? How does this advance the cause of black advancement in American culture?
Of course it’s the Democratic Party’s mission to get Democrats voted into office... just as it’s the job of the Republican Party to help elect Republicans. But at what cost? The Democratic Party seems totally invested in keeping Americans divided over race. It’s no secret that Party leaders collude with the media in pushing the false and dangerous narrative that African-Americans have been born into a racist society wherein they have no chance to succeed. Getting votes this way, votes based on lies and hatred, is beyond despicable. A nation cannot maintain its health, it cannot thrive with brother mistrusting brother. This is reflected today in the drumbeat of racism being charged against anyone who disagrees with the Left. This agenda is pinned squarely on the Democratic Party.
Because the Democratic Party has moved very far Left. It cannot win votes with positive ideas and an agenda the average American can get behind, so the Democratic Party has devolved into stinking 19th Century! Marxist theory. Divide the citizenry into classes; by color, by wealth, by gender, by age, and any other way they can conjure up. Set one side against the other. Sow discontent and the ultimate “revolution” of the proletariat (poorest working-or-welfare class with student rebels acting as their strong-arm) against the bourgeoisie (capitalist class who own most of society's wealth and means of production), with the Party emerging as permanent leaders.
None of this helps African Americans, except for that very small minority in the leadership of the Democratic Party.
If all black lives mattered to Democrats, they would not ostracize or shun successful conservative African-Americans, rather, they would embrace their success and ability to act as role models for young African-Americans. Here’s just a small sampling of successful conservative Republican African-Americans who can serve as role models:
- General Colin Powell as the United States Secretary of State
- Roderick R. Paige as the United States Secretary of Education
- Condoleezza Rice as Advisor of the National Security Council
- Alphonso Jackson as the Deputy Secretary to Housing and Urban Development
- Claude Allen as the Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services
- Leo S. Mackay, Jr. as the Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs
- Larry D. Thompson as the United States Deputy Attorney General
- Michael Powell as the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission
- Stephen A. Perry as Administrator of General Services Administration
- Kay Coles James as Director of United States Office of Personnel Management
- Charles E. James, Sr. as Director of Federal Contract Compliance
- Ruth A. Davis as Director General of the Foreign Service
- Reginald J. Brown as Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
- Brigadier General Francis X. Taylor as Coordinator for Counterterrorism
- Eric M. Bost as Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services
- Brian C. Roseboro as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Markets
- Dr. Eric Motley as Deputy Associate Director, Office of Presidential Personnel
- Pierre-Richard Prosper as United States Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues
- Andrea Barthwell as Deputy Director for Demand Reduction at the Office of National Drug Control Policy
- Randy Daniels, Secretary of State of New York joins the GOP.
- 2002 – President George W. Bush appoints the following:
- Major General Claude M. Bolton, Jr. as United States Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology
- Lynn Swann as Chairman of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
- Brigadier General Francis X. Taylor as Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security
- Ron Christie as Special Assistant to the President
- 2003 – President George W. Bush appoints the following:
- Clark Ervin as Inspector General of the United States Department of Homeland Security
- Vernon Parker as Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Civil Rights
- Michael Steele elected as Lieutenant Governor of Maryland
- Jennette Bradley elected as Lieutenant Governor of Ohio
- Michael Steele elected as Lieutenant Governor of Maryland
- 2004 – President George W. Bush appoints the following:
- Alphonso Jackson as United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
- Gerald A. Reynolds as Chairman of the United States Commission on Civil Rights
- Constance Berry Newman as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
- Brian C. Roseboro as Under Secretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance
- 2005 – President George W. Bush appoints the following:
- Condoleezza Rice as United States Secretary of State
- Claude Allen as Director of the Domestic Policy Council
- Admiral John O. Agwunobi as United States Assistant Secretary for Health
- Jendayi Frazer as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
- B. J. Penn as Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installation and Environment)
- Randy Brock elected as Vermont Auditor of Accounts
- Jennette Bradley is appointed Ohio State Treasurer
- Randy Brock elected as Vermont Auditor of Accounts
- 2006 – President George W. Bush appoints the following:
- Lurita Doan as first female Administrator of the U.S. General Services Administration
- Ronald J. James as Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
- 2009 – Michael Steele elected Chairman of the Republican National Committe
- 2010 – Tim Scott (SC) and Lt Col. Allen West (FL) elected to US Congress
- Jennifer Carroll is elected Lieutenant Governor of Florida
- 2011 – Herman Cain sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2012
- 2012 – Artur Davis, a former Democratic Party member of the United States House of Representatives joins the GOP.
- 2013 – Tim Scott (SC) is appointed to the US Senate.
- Dwayne Sawyer is appointed as Indiana State Auditor
- 2014 – Mia Love (UT) and Will Hurd (TX) elected to US Congress
- Boyd Rutherford is elected Lieutenant Governor of Maryland
- 2015 – Ben Carson sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2016
- Jenean Hampton is elected Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky
- 2016 – Curtis Hill is elected Indiana Attorney Genera
- 2017 - President Donald Trump appoints the following:
- Ben Carson as United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
- Omarosa Manigault as Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison
- Jerome Adams as Surgeon General of the United States
- Omarosa Manigault as Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison
- Ben Carson as United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Ken Blackwell
- Juan Chastang – Mobile County Commissioner (2005–2008)
- David S. Wilson – Member of the Alaska Senate (2017–present)
- Walt Furnace – Member of the Alaska House of Representatives (1983–1991)
- Vernon Parker – Mayor of Paradise Valley, Arizona (2008–2010) and U.S. House nominee (2012)
- Lieutenant Colonel Allen B. West, elected to the United States Congress in 2010.
- Acquanetta Warren – Mayor of Fontana, California (2010–present)
- Damon Dunn – California Secretary of State Nominee (2010) and Dallas Cowboys football player
- H. Abram Wilson – Mayor of San Ramon, California (2002–2007)
- Ward Connerly – University of California Regent (1993–2005)
- Frederick Madison Roberts – State Assemblyman (1919–1934)
- Darryl Glenn – U.S. Senate nominee (2016) and member of the El Paso County Board of Commissioners (2011–present)
- Ryan Frazier – Aurora City Councilman (2003–2010) and U.S. House nominee (2010)
- Ed Jones – Colorado State Senator (2001–2007)
- George Logan - Connecticut State Senator (2017–present)
- Aundre Bumgardner – Connecticut State Representative (2015-2017)
- Donald Blakey – Delaware State Representative (2007–2015)
- William J. Winchester – Delaware State Representative (1947–1953)
- Byron Donalds – Florida State Representative (2017–present)
- Mike Hill – Florida State Representative (2013–2017)
- Peter Boulware – Florida House of Representatives Nominee (2008) and Baltimore Ravens football player[12]
- Andrew Honeycutt – Candidate for Georgia House of Representatives (2014)
- Deborah Honeycutt – Nominee for Georgia's 13th congressional district (2006 & 2008)
- Willie Talton – Georgia State Representative (2005–2015)
- Melvin Everson – Georgia State Representative (2005–2011)
- Henrietta Canty – Georgia State Representative (1990-1998)
- John D. Anthony – Illinois State Representative (2013–2016)
- Tony Childress – Livingston County Sheriff (2014–present)
- Erika Harold – Miss America (2003) and U.S. House candidate (2012/2014)
- Archibald Carey, Jr. – Chicago City Council Alderman (1947–1955)
- William L. Dawson – Chicago City Council Alderman (1933–1939)
- Arthur W. Mitchell – Committeeman
- Roger Brown – Indianapolis City Councillor (1993–1997) and Indiana Pacers basketball player
- Tony Barton – Kansas State Representative (2015-2017)
- Willie Dove – Kansas State Representative (2013–present)
- George W. Haley - Kansas State Senator (1964-1968)
- Anna Simms Banks – Republican Delegate (1920)
- Charles W. Anderson – Kentucky State Representative (1936–1948)
- Elbert Guillory – Louisiana State Senator (2009–2015) and candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana (2015)
- Aris T. Allen – Maryland State Delegate (1967-1974 & 1991), Lieutenant Governor nominee (1978) and State Senator (1979–1982)
- Frank Cousins – Massachusetts State Representative (1993–1996) and Essex County Sheriff (1996–present)
- Althea Garrison – Massachusetts State Representative (1993–1995)
- Larry Deshazor – Michigan State Representative (2009–2011)
- Paul H. Scott – Michigan State Representative (2009–2011)
- Bill Hardiman – Mayor of Kentwood, Michigan (1992–2002), Michigan State Senator (2003–2011) and U.S. House candidate (2010)
- Keith Butler – Detroit Councilman (1989-1993) and U.S. Senate candidate (2006)
- William Lucas (Michigan) – Wayne County, Michigan Sheriff, (1969-1982) and 1986 Republican nominee for Michigan Governor.
- Angela McGlowan – Miss District of Columbia USA (1994) and U.S. House candidate (2010)
- Yvonne Brown – Mayor of Tchula, Mississippi (2001–2009) and U.S. House nominee (2006)
- Nic Lott – Chairman for the Mississippi Young Republicans
- Charles Evers – Mayor of Fayette, Mississippi (1969–1981 & 1985–1989)
- Shamed Dogan – Missouri State Representative (2015–present)
- Neal E. Boyd – 2008 Winner of America's Got Talent and nominee/candidate for the Missouri House of Representatives (2012/2014)
- Sherman Parker – Missouri State Representative (2002–2008)
- Carson Ross – Missouri State Representative (1989–2002) and Mayor of Blue Springs, Missouri (2008–present)
- Dinah Abrahamson – Nebraska State Central Committeewoman (2005–2013)
- Niger Innis – Director of Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and U.S. House candidate (2014)
- Lynette Boggs – Miss Oregon (1989), Las Vegas City Council (1999–2004), Clark County Commission (2004–2006) and U.S. House nominee (2002)
- Maurice Washington – Nevada State Senator (1994–2010)
- Jim Lawrence – New Hampshire State Representative (2004–2010) and U.S. House nominee (2016)
- Garry Cobb – U.S. House nominee (2014) and Dallas Cowboys football player
- Bruce Harris – Mayor of Chatham Borough, New Jersey (2012–present)
- Martin G. Barnes – Mayor of Paterson, New Jersey (1997–2002)
- James L. Usry – Mayor of Atlantic City, New Jersey (1984–1990)
- Ralph L. Bradley – Mayor of East Windsor, New Jersey (1992–1995)
- Matthew G. Carter – Mayor of Montclair, New Jersey (1968–1972)
- Walter G. Alexander – State Assemblyman (1920–1924) and Speaker of the Assembly (1921)
- Jane Powdrell-Culbert – New Mexico State Representative (2002–present)
- Conrad James – New Mexico State Representative (2010–2012 & 2014–2016)
- Michel Faulkner – U.S. House nominee (2010) and New York Jets football player
- James Garner – Mayor of Hempstead (1988–2005) and U.S. House nominee (2004)
- Richard E. Jackson – Commissioner of Motor Vehicles (1995–2000)
- Edward A. Johnson – New York State Assemblyman (1918–1920)
- Thomas Stith – Town councilman of Durham, NC (1999–2007) and Governor of North Carolina Pat McCrory's Chief of Staff (2013–present)
- Dr. Ada Fisher – NC Republican National Committeewoman (2008–present) and U.S. House nominee (2006 & 2008)
- Robert C. Henry – Mayor of Springfield, Ohio (1966–1968)
- J.C. Watts – U.S. Representative (1995-2003)
- T.W. Shannon – Oklahoma State Representative (2007–2015) and Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives (2013–2014)
- A. C. Hamlin – Oklahoma State Representative (1908–1910)
- Jackie Winters – Oregon State Senator (2002–present)
- Harry Lewis Jr. – Pennsylvania State Representative (2014–present)
- Lynn Swann – Governor of Pennsylvania Nominee (2006) and Pittsburgh Steelers football player
- Renee Amoore – Pennsylvania's Republican State Committeewoman (1992–2000)
- Samuel Rivers Jr. – South Carolina State Representative (2012–present)
- Charmeka Childs – Deputy Superintendinent of Education (2010–2014)
- Charles Drew – Tennessee State Representative (1983–1988)
- Scott Turner – Texas State Representative (2013–2017) and Denver Broncos football player
- James White – Texas State Representative (2011–present)
- Stefani Carter – Texas State Representative (2011–2015)
- Robin Armstrong – Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas (2006–2010)
- Michael L. Williams – Commissioner of the Texas Education Agency (2012–present), Chairman of the Texas Railroad Commission (1999–2011) and U.S. House candidate (2012)
- Ron Givens – Texas State Representative (1985–1989)
- Clay Smothers – Texas State Representative (1977–1981)
- Alvin B. Jackson – Utah State Senator (2013–2016)
- James Evans – Utah State Senator (2002–2004) and Chairman of the Utah Republican Party (2013–present)
- E.W. Jackson – Lieutenant Governor of Virginia Nominee (2013)
- Winsome Sears – Virginia State Delegate (2002–2004) and U.S. House nominee (2004)
- Paul Clinton Harris – Virginia State Delegate (1998–2002)
- Noel C. Taylor – Mayor of Roanoke, Virginia (1975–1992)
- Roy Innis – Chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) & a member of the National Rifle Association's governing board.
- Niger Innis – Spokesman of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
- Michael Ross – Washington State Representative (1971–1973)
- Charles Stokes – Washington State Representative (1951–1959)
- Jill Upson – West Virginia State Delegate (2014–present)
- Lynn Hutchings – Wyoming State Representative (2012–2014)
United States judges
- Angela Tucker – Texas District Court Judge (2012–present)
- Clarence Thomas – Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (1991–present)
- Dale Wainwright – Associate Justice of the Texas Supreme Court (2003–2012)
- David W. Williams – Judge of the United States District Court for the Central District of California (1969–2000)
- George C. Hanks, Jr. – Justice on the First Court of Appeals (2010–2015) & Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas (2015–present)
- Janice Rogers Brown – Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of California (1996–2005) & U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (2005–present)
- Kevin A. Ross – Judge of the Los Angeles County Superior Court (1996–2005) & Judge on America's Court with Judge Ross (2010–present)
- Lynn Toler – Arbitrator on the court series Divorce Court (2001–present)
- Robert P. Young, Jr. – Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court (1999–2017) & Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court (2011–2017)
- Sarah J. Harper – Ohio Court of Appeals (1990–2003)
- Wallace Jefferson – Associate Justice of the Texas Supreme Court (2001–2004) & Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court (2004–2013)
- Edward J. Perkins – United States Ambassador to the United Nations
- Eric M. Bost – United States Ambassador to South Africa
- George Washington Williams – United States Ambassador to Haiti
- Mifflin Wistar Gibbs – American Consul to Madagascar
TV personalities, authors and journalists
- Amy Holmes – News anchor and political contributor on CNN
- Antonia Okafor – Gun rights activist and contributor for Fox News and TheBlaze
- Armond White – Film critic for National Review and Out Magazine
- Armstrong Williams – Author of Beyond Blame and TV host of On Point
- Bishop Larry Gaiters – Nationally syndicated radio talk show host of Global Spiritual Revolution Radio in New York City, New York
- Charles Payne – Fox News and Fox Business journalist
- C.L. Bryant – TV host
- Deneen Borelli – Author, columnist, and Fox News contributor
- Deroy Murdock – Columnist for E. W. Scripps Company
- George Schuyler – Journalist
- Hallie Quinn Brown – Author
- James Golden – Producer for The Rush Limbaugh Show (under the alias "Bo Snerdley")
- Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson – President of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny
- Jason Riley – Journalist
- Katrina Pierson – Tea Party activist, communications consultant and a regular CNN contributor
- Kevin Jackson – Political commentator, author, radio talk show host, and Fox News contributor
- Larry Elder – Author of 10 Things You Can't Say in America and radio host[20]
- Lenny McAllister – Author of Diary of a Mad Black PYC (Proud Young Conservative) and radio talk-show host from WVON-AM Chicago
- Lester Holt – News anchor at NBC News, a registered Republican since 2003
- Michael King – Emmy Award-winning television producer
- Michelle Bernard – Journalist
- Nannie Helen Burroughs – Author
- Raynard Jackson – Columnist and TV political analyst
- Robert A. George – Journalist
- Shelby Steele – Author
- Tamera Mowry-Housley – Actress best known for co-starring in the sitcom Sister, Sister
- Tommy Sotomayor – Radio and internet talk show host, YouTube personality, men's rights activist and film producer
- Tony Brown – Journalist and host of Tony Brown's Journal
- Zora Neale Hurston – Novelist
- Lieutenant Colonel Frances Rice – Chairwoman of the National Black Republican Association
- Major General Mary J. Kight – Adjutant General of California (2010–2011)
- Lieutenant General Russel L. Honoré
- Deroy Murdock – National Review columnist
- Ken Hamblin – Denver Post columnist
- Robert A. George – Columnist for the New York Post
- Stephen L. Carter – Christianity Today columnist, author of The Culture of Disbelief
- Sophia A. Nelson – Chair of PoliticalIntersection.com and politicalintersection.blogspot.com
- Star Parker – President of the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education, columnist & author
- Thomas Sowell – Hoover Institute fellow and Author of Basic Economics
- Walter E. Williams – Author of More Liberty Means Less Government
Athletes and entertainers
- 50 Cent – Rapper. Supported George W. Bush in 2005,[29] but switched to the Democratic Party in support of Hillary Clinton in 2008
- Bryan Clay – Decathlete
- Burgess Owens – New York Jets football player
- Cowboy Troy – Country rapper
- David Tyree – New York Giants football player
- Dennis Rodman – Retired professional basketball player
- Don King – Boxing promoter
- Dwayne Johnson ("The Rock") – Actor and WWE wrestler
- Ernie Banks – Chicago Cubs baseball player
- Herschel Walker – Dallas Cowboys football player
- Jackie Robinson – Brooklyn Dodgers baseball player
- James Brown – Musician. Openly endorsed Richard Nixon in the 1972 presidential election and named Strom Thurmond as one of his heroes during a 1999 interview with Rolling Stone.
- Jimmie Walker – Actor
- Joseph C. Phillips – Actor
- Joy Villa – Singer. Promoted and supported Donald Trump's presidency in 2017.
- Karl Malone – Olympic Gold medallist and basketball player
- Kenny Washington – First black player to join the National Football League after it lifted its thirteen-year ban on black players in 1946
- Mike Jones – WWF wrestler
- Mike Tyson – Former professional boxer
- Nolan Carroll – Miami Dolphins football player and son of Jennifer Carroll, Lieutenant Governor of Florida
- Ray Charles – Musician
- Ray Lewis – Former Baltimore Ravens player
- Robert Griffin III – Washington Redskins football player
- Ronnie Lott – San Francisco 49ers football player
- Shaquille O'Neal – Olympic Gold medallist and basketball player
- Sheryl Underwood – Comedian
- Stacey Dash – Actress
- Thurman Thomas – Buffalo Bills football player
- Wilt Chamberlain – Los Angeles Lakers basketball player
Education and business
- Alveda King – Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and senior fellow at the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution
- Arthur Fletcher – Academic
- Booker T. Washington – Academic
- George Washington Carver – Inventor
- George B. Jackson – Businessman
- Herman Cain – Former CEO of Godfather's Pizza, talk show host and one-time presidential candidate
- James T. Harris III – 9th President of Widener University
- Joshua I. Smith – Businessman
- Marvin Scott – Academic
- Michelle Bernard – President and CEO of the Independent Women's Forum
- Dr. Mildred Fay Jefferson – First African American to graduate from Harvard Medical School
- Samuel B. Fuller – Businessman
- Stephen N. Lackey – Businessman
- Vernon Robinson – Academic
- Thomas Sowell – Academic
- Vern Williams – Member of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel
- Ward Connerly – University of California Regent
- Walter E. Williams – Academic
Civil rights, abolitionists and activists
- Charles Henry Langston – Abolitionist
- Eldridge Cleaver – Leader of the Black Panther Party
- James L. Farmer, Jr. – Civil rights leader
- James Meredith – Civil rights campaigner
- James Weldon Johnson – Activist
- Octavius Catto – Civil rights activist
- Scipio Africanus Jones – Activist
- Ted Hayes – Activist for the homeless
- Dr. T. R. M. Howard – Leader in the Civil Rights Movement
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