
We Get What We Deserve

I have a bad feeling that won't go away. Like something really terrible is going to happen in the next week or month here in the US.

Now, to be honest, we've all had these feelings before, and nothing happened. But this is different. This is out in the open for everyone with eyes to see.

I feel like the United States is on the brink of a coup. I feel like our system is being overthrown right here, right now, right before our eyes, and everybody who isn't part of this coup is too damned busy with their day-to-day "Oh I'm just so important" bullshit that they just plain don't want to see it.

Over twenty-three thousand American men gave their lives in one day during the Civil War. Add to that the tens of thousands of American men who felt their last heartbeat in two World Wars. Are we not spitting on the graves of these poor souls, our most precious blood, who believed in their hearts they died to protect the special things we call "American?"

Is there not one single Patriot in our government who will stand up and scream at the top of his or her lungs that what we see now are not demonstrations for immigrant laborers - what we are seeing is the test of muscle and organization of the anti-American forces which have been a-building and coordinating their efforts over the last 60 years since the end of WWII?

We are seeing the Marxist-progressive-liberal forces coming together in a firestorm of determination, to end an America that is better than anywhere else in the history of the world. Complicit in this coup are our Congress, both the House and the Senate, and God save us, the White House as well. They are complicit by focusing our attention for the last three years on another part of the world while our own backyard was over-run by mindless hordes of stooges in the thrall of the Marxist movement in America. The new Corporate- News- Media- Entertainment- Education- Progressive Army of soulless Marxist zombies. Every bit as dreadful as those who stalked us in The Night of the Living Dead.

You know how easy it has always been for the tinderbox of civil demonstrations to burst into flame in the heat of passion. First a large city, say Los Angeles, is held hostage by clogging up its freeways with cars and trucks whose tires have been shot out. Nobody gets anywhere as emergency vehicles get stuck in the jams, and they and the police are rendered impotent. The ports and the trains are disabled in a heartbeat. Nobody in, nobody out. Delivery of foods and vital medicines and everything else is halted. Gangs roam the streets unchecked. The city lies in siege. For fear of seeming "reactionary" or "intolerant" to the world, the Governor and the Feds don't call out the National Guard until it is far too late, just like in New Orleans. Demands and threats are issued. The demands are met by our spineless leaders. Los Angeles ceases to be part of the State and the Union. Having shown it worked in LA, other big cities soon follow. And America's Middle Class sits watching it all on CNN, not knowing what happened to them, not realizing they have become Unnecessary.

If those thousands of American men who gave their lives for this country could rise from their graves, it will not be our enemies they haunt, it will be us. For it is we who have forgotten their sacrifice. It is we who have taken the Bounty of our Land and not given back. It is we who are on the verge of losing it in the name of "tolerance" and "I'm too busy with my own bullshit to care."

Think I'm crazy? Think this is over the top? Or are you whistling past America's graveyard?