

If we are endowed by our Creator with the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, but we no longer believe in this Creator, our rights must disappear with Him

The God of the Hebrews was a demanding and a sometimes vengeful God. He sent His angels (emissaries) into Sodom and Gomorrah to learn whether these infamous cities had truly sunk into the abyss of the human id before judging them.

Abraham, a man who was stunningly forthright with his God, used this opportunity to bargain with Yahweh, getting Him to agree that should the angels find 50 righteous men in these cities, He would spare the cities in order to spare the righteous men. Crafty Abe bargained the required number of good men from 50 down to ten. But in the end, the angels found only one; Abraham's nephew Lot. In fact, the angels barely escaped the city with their dignity as they were coveted by aggressive homosexuals.

Therefore the Lord visited His punishment upon the cities, destroying them in what is described as a raining of brimstone, or a nuclear holocaust. Satisfy yourself that this is not “just a myth":

Does all this have an eerily familiar ring? Whether or not you believe in Abraham's God, or any God, or no God at all, you can view this Biblical story as a metaphor. But this metaphor is based on real events

Are we living in the new Sodom of our Age? Is not America a Land whose moral sentiment is declining precipitously? Our people have turned gambling, alcohol, drugs, child pornography, homosexuality, et al. into major industries. Instead of Sodom and Gomorrah, we have Frisco, Hollywood, Vegas, Chicago, New York and The Big Easy. Many of our citizens reject the old God and look upon  Mammon, wealth and power as their new gods. Instead of healing the sick, fortunes are made by endlessly treating them. Many reject the very idea of factual history-based education, preferring “feelings”-oriented liberal indoctrination. Hard work is no longer considered an honorable pursuit by elites, rather something for fools. Do we imagine if there is a higher power in this Universe that it could be blind to this?

If God is as angry as we are told He can be, He may just as quickly revoke all the blessings with which He ever endowed a Land. If, as our Constitution so elegantly states, we are endowed with certain inalienable rights by a Creator, but we no longer believe in this Creator, who will guarantee these rights? Perhaps  the Lord will look more kindly upon the jihadis in the houses of Ismael because they still bow to Him.

A God, seeing so many Americans who rebuke you – America, the very Land to which you have given so much – so many who insult you, spit upon you, hate you and do their best to remove your very name and image from every public venue, would you not consider revoking their rights and privileges?

You might once again send your angelic emissaries down – this time to America – to search for ten righteous men. Today, you might judge a nation by its Media. Can your angels find fifty American men or women in Media, or government, or entertainment who can be characterized as truly "righteous"? How about 25? 10? In today's polarized politization of everything, no matter who appears on the screen, 50% of viewers will describe him or her as evil. God’s emissaries would observe all the familiar icons of sleaze we see day in and day out in the Media. They could well conclude our vessel of civilization has been turned upside down so the dregs now settle to the top.

You may not believe there is a God who interacts this directly with Man. But this is where the metaphor comes in. “God” is a metaphor for the natural laws of the universe. In addition to the tangible or obvious elementals of Mass, Energy, Time and Motion, we have the intangible, unpredictable and unknowable factors of Destiny and the Uncertainty Principle. It is through these phenomena that God manifests His Will in our world.

Right now, if you look around at the Big World Picture, America would seem to be at a nexus. Perhaps His emissaries are here, hidden in plain sight among us, searching once again for those ten righteous men. If their search ends the same as in the Biblical event... I don't need to tell you what pain an angry God or if you prefer an angry Universe can inflict upon a Land – indeed a world! – peopled by so many smug and ungrateful wretches as we see today. 

I hope you enjoy the smell of brimstone.