
Anti-War Protesters

It's not so much that people are anti-war that bothers me - after all, who is "pro-war" except the munitions manufacturers - it's that the loudest and most publicized protesters are all so damned stupid!

It wasn't all that long ago that morons like these were kept in the basement because they embarrassed their families and so nobody ever heard from them. But today, the basement people have become the un-silent majority. They have access to media, and they wear their ignorance like badges of honor. The current lot of protesters aren't even all that anti-war... they are simply anti-Bush, anti-Republican, anti-conservative and anti-American. Fonda, Robbins, Sarandon, Penn, Sheehan and the rest... everywhere you look on the internet, and on talk-radio - these people never had an idea of their own in their lives! They are incapable of independent, rational, critical thought. They only have just enough of an IQ to memorize the buzzwords and to repeat the same '60s mantra over and over until even a peaceful person wants to cut their tongues out with a rusty hedge clipper.

Imagine, arriving at your political views through the piercing insights of the likes of Jon Stewart and David Letterman. Now don't get me wrong. I actually think Jon and Dave are in many ways decent and entertaining people. Likeable. Even Clooney is a very likeable guy when it comes to just "hangin' out." But when the subject turns to politics, as it inevitably does on the air, this bunch becomes bloody morons!

Say you wanted to know how to run a large water purifying plant, or how to properly treat a rare heart disorder, would you ask ME!? Of course not... not unless you're a bloody moron. You'd listen to somebody who knew something about the subject, right? Somebody whose ability to think farther than the end of his nose, or get past his hatred for George Bush. Why would anybody care about Letterman's views on solving world political problems? The man has no clue what's on the other side of the Hudson from Manhattan for Christ's sake. Nor do any of these "progressive" schmendriks. And yet we are constantly reminded of how much more "nuanced" they are in their thinking. Nuanced? Ha! Would you listen to Rosie O'Donnell's advice on how to generate elctric power using a steam turbine? Only an idiot would. Which explains why many tv junkies listen to the advice of these nuanced noodniks about dealing with terrorists. They are idiots.

How many times have these "stars" been asked, point blank to their faces, by people like O'Reilly, Hannity, Hewitt and others, "Do you want America to win the war in Iraq?" Not one of them has ever once simply said "Of course." No, they have "nuanced" answers... code for "no."

It's like being in the stands at your hometown football game, and sitting with you among the fans of your home team is somebody like Sean Penn, cheering anytime the opposing team gets a first down. What? He doesn't realize how disloyal that is? How much it makes people like me want to... nevermind.

Any American who actually wants the US to lose this war in Iraq is a disloyal traitor. Traitors are begging to be hanged. Judging by what I see and hear, we're gonna need a lot of rope.