
A Beast With Two Faces

What does it say about a political party that it opens its arms only to the downtrodden peoples from every country, whether they are legal or illegal, decent or indecent? Not because the party really cares about these people, as in Jesus's admonition about caring for "the least among us," but simply because these people represent a large influx of new voters. For it is he without any idea or means to lift himself out of the circumstances he was born into who will always vote for the person or party promising him not freedom but free stuff. He will always cheer upon hearing he will be rewarded for doing nothing but remain indebted to his enablers, and he will cheer all the louder when he hears the source of all the free stuff he's getting will be coming from the middle class and wealthy this party has brainwashed him into believing are the cause of all his misfortunes.

What does it say about a party which cares not who is voting for it as long as it stays in power? What does it say about a party which has sung this same "We are here to help the underclass" tune since I don't know when and yet has done not one thing to lift the underclass out of its malaise? Quite the opposite, this party only exists because of misery, and as a consequence if this party is to continue it must use every trick learned from history to perpetuate the underclass. It must increase the misery index in order to outpace the other party. The handiest source of misery is just on the other side of our southern border. Therefore this party will do everything it can, legal or otherwise, to get les miserables into the States and onto their voting roles.

Unfortunately, the other party does nothing to stop this. In fact the titular head of the other party aggressively encourages it, because this fellow's supporters see these same people as a source of cheap labor. So it works out just fine for both parties. Unfortunately it's undermining the very foundations of our country and culture. But such parties can't be bothered with trivia like country and culture.

It is difficult to see why any of the rest of us should support either party. They like to say we conservatives want a return to times past. Baloney. We don't like people ripping us off. We don't like seeing both parties throwing money - our money - at problems, problems that money can't solve - without even consulting us to see if we think it's a good idea. What happened to representative government? What happened to "The wisdom of the masses?"

What happened is that those in the parties have decided to represent not us but only themselves. Worse, the misery party has found itself another mass to turn to, not for wisdom but for votes. But how can they win elections when "the rest of us" are still, for the time being, the majority? They can only do it because there is a large portion of "the rest of us" which votes not with its brain but with its heart. That big center portion which seems to feel there are only two choices and will vote for one or the other based on their emotional loyalties, or to punish the other party for what they perceive to be past sins. Emotional loyalties? Yes, things like, well that party is for protecting the right of a woman to choose, or that party is concerned about healthcare for the poor, or maybe it seems "greener" to me and "green is good because I'm concerned about global warming" and all that claptrap. The parties have learned to play the emotions of the "moderate" voter like a Stradivarius.

I have seen the enemy. It is NOT we. It is they. It is, like Janus, a beast with two faces, one which constantly frowns, the other which slyly winks.