
The PC Virus Is Suffocating Us

No, not the kind that attacks your computer.
The kind that attacks the mind of liberals.
As Michael Savage so aptly phrased it:
Liberalism is a mental disorder,
and Political Correctness is its most obvious symptom.
It has got many otherwise good people thinking foggy.
Afraid to acknowledge what they really think.
Afraid to even admit they have "certain thoughts."

In this year of presidential election shoot-outs,
PC has suddenly focused itself on the issue of race.
One can't help noticing that the liberal press
(I know, the press does not see itself as liberal,
which in itself is bizarre manifestation of PC-ness)
has been chanting Barak! Barak! Barak!
Despite the fact that it becomes clearer every day
that, as Pat Buchanan put it: "He's not one of us."

Obama's "mentor," the Rev Wright, tells it like it is.
Annointed black leaders like him and Sharpton and Jackson
feed the lucrative Black Grievance Industry
by finding all kinds of reasons why America
(that would be you and me) is a bad country
which does bad things all over the world.
And somehow it is they who suffer more than the rest.
Therefore we owe them something.
Maybe even the reins of government.
Sharpton, Jackson... and now Obama...
all have had presidential aspirations.

Infected by PC, the press and the Left
(excuse the redundancy), can't find it in themselves
to challenge Obama on his essential feelings
about the country he wants to preside over.
But Mrs. Obama has made herself perfectly clear:
she has a visceral disdain for America.
Rev Wright has made himself equally clear:
God damn America!
Obama associate, Professor Bill Ayers,
has made himself perfectly clear:
he wishes he had blown up America more than he did.

These are classic America-haters.
With Mr. Obama at the epicenter of the hate storm.
Make no mistake, the relationship among these
four individuals goes back a lot farther
and a lot deeper than you have been led to believe
by a liberal press silenced by the PC virus.
But as with all such things,
it will eventually come to light.

One can only hope that the few remaining
adults in the Democratic Party
will finally find the courage to speak up and say "enough!"
"This fiasco is over."

Which leaves us with Hillary.
I never thought I'd be saying this,
but compared to limp-wristed, luke-Warm-on-America,
obviously henpecked Barak,
Hillary almost looks like a "real" American.

Political Correctness is suffocating Americans.
It's limiting your ability to say what you think
and what you really believe
far better than any law could.
It leads us to run screeds and comments
here on the internet
under assumed names because we somehow fear
our true feelings are seen as the products
of bigoted or racist minds.
You think what you think.
Anything else is a lie.
So vaccinate yourself from this virus.

I'm not suggesting you start running around
spouting racial epithets. No. That's bad.
But when you hear a PC infected liberal repeat
the illogical rationales and excuses
for Obama and his cohorts' proclamations,
...things like "It was taken out of context"
and all the worn-out cliches of political consultants,
don't let them get away with it.
They said what they said.
And they said it over and over.
That tells me they believe it.
If that's what they believe,
they live in the wrong country.
They may be fit to lead some America-hating
third world country,
but the White House should be off-limits to them.