
Barack’s Bandwagon to Perdition

“Roll up!
Roll up for the magical mystery tour!
Step right this way!
Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour!”

~The Beatles

Come one, come all! It’s Barack Obama’s Traveling Three-Ring Mystery Tour.

The Band Wagon calliope plays, and politicians, mediaites, and poor, long-suffering voters climb all over one another to get into Barack’s Big Top.

The toothy smile of the Carnival Barker flashes as he promises the next act will truly be The Greatest Show on Earth. And the audience cheers, and the lions roar, and the trapezes whiz by somewhere in the darkness above.

It matters not to them that every act fails. It doesn’t matter that he makes everything up as he goes along; Universal Healthcare, Middle East Policy, Immigration, Border Security, Gun Control, Free Birth Control, Energy Policy, et al. His wide-eyed audience will believe anything. They actually seem to believe that the carny games are on the level. He spouts platitudes and worn-out Marxisms like the rich will pay their fair share and government is there to protect the little man. And the DC “reporters” do just that: scribble their notes and repeat the Marxisms to their editors like it’s all investigative reporting. And if one of them gets out of line, the Carny Barker’s clowns with their nasty smiles throw him under the Bandwagon.

Politicians on the left go forth spouting the same platitudinous baloney, promising with all their might, in a concerted effort to keep the Band Wagon rolling to a destination they don’t even comprehend. The Magical Mystery Tour is coming to take you away. Coming to take you away.

Politicians on the right, so dreadfully eager to be loved by those on the left (whom they consider brighter, more sophisticated than themselves – and sadly, in many cases they are), just go along to get along. They try to sneak in the back of the Big Top, making deals with the Barker, casting their precious votes for bad bills because they want to stay in the good graces of the lefties who look down on them as if their flies are open or perhaps they don’t have a genuine authentic ticket to the Band Wagon.

Haven’t you wondered why, if Congress really wants something, for example border security; why after several decades we still don’t really have border security? It’s because they don’t really want it. They don’t really care what the idiots in the audience want. They just want to be on the Band Wagon. So they keep on “investigating,” calling for more hearings, getting face time on the tv news shows. Giving the appearance of actually doing something about the issues their constituents care about.

Can you think of one good reason why an elected official would want to get on the Band Wagon to Hell? There are no reasons but bad reasons. The Band Wagon is rolling over the Constitution. The price of a ticket is all the savings of the Middle Class, a transfer ticket to uber-rich corporations and the government of clowns, allowing a few coins and stale popcorn to spill into the crowd – the New Permanent Underclass which the Bandwagon has created. The Magical Mystery Tour is coming to take you away. Coming to take you away.

Should we not all fear where this Band Wagon is headed? We exported too much industry to foreign nations. So unemployment is rampant. But the Carny wants to give free entry tickets to immigrants to fill non-existent jobs.

Now every seat in the Big Top, every seat on the Bandwagon is bugged. The IRS and NASA are sticking their electronic noses into private affairs, intrusions which would have been considered outrageous a generation ago. And all the while the audience cheers and loves Barack the Barker. Except those of us on the outside who watch in disbelief as the Bandwagon rolls across America like a snowball in hell.

But it is a seductive tune the president plays. Here’s a YouTube link if you’d like to hear this seductive tune first-hand, the Magical Mystery Tour, is hoping to take you away. Hoping to take you away.