

For more than 50 years, the Left has been preaching the dangers of cigaret smoking. I know this from personal experience. I was among the ad men charged with creating anti-cigaret smoking advertising as far back as the 1960's.

Today, the Left is among the greatest champions of the legalization of pot smoking throughout the land, citing the need for marijuana in relieving the suffering of the terminally ill. This is cynical pretense.

How do we explain this irrational contradiction? It’s another manifestation of what Michael Savage has diagnosed as a mental disorder common among those on the Left. There is a hierarchy of causes which every Leftist worth his or her salt has learned from Leftist teachers, preachers and professors. It amounts to a catechism of Leftism.

Oh, it's not like the very real dangers of smoking are suddenly okay with the Left; they still believe in the danger; and perhaps it's arguable that weed smoke somehow is less toxic but that’s not the point. Using law to deconstruct traditional America, getting America high and keeping its voters stoned trumps the health of their lungs. And the vast sea of immature Americans is happy to comply. The human damage from weed smoke is unequivocal. Dude.

The Left has championed “Women’s Rights” for as long as I can remember. Another laudable cause. On the other hand, they have been almost silent about the terrible abuses women experience in many familiar parts of the world. The recent kidnapping of schoolgirls in Africa has their heads in a spin. What to do, what to do? The catechism demands the defending of any group which undermines Christianity. But this kidnapping is antithetical to the Left’s own causes. Hence, the spinning heads. According to the catechism, crucifying Christianity trumps women’s rights. I await the pretense. I’m sure we will hear it in the next day or two.

The Left pretends to be champion of the advancement of all minorities, most notably African-Americans. Yet their championing only seems to apply to African-Americans who worship at the altar of the Left. Conservative blacks, Republican blacks, are castigated, shunned, attacked. Ask Judge Thomas, Colonel West, Secretary Condoleezza Rice and all their brothers and sisters who dare to wander off the liberal reservation. The catechism says keeping black voters in the thrall of the Democratic party trumps the rights of African-Americans to succeed without them.

The list of contradictions is as long as the hierarchal list. From where does this list originate? I expect point zero is centuries in the past, bursting into the political world during the Industrial Revolution, in Europe, inflating like primordial space. Today, this worn-out, discredited philosophy is still supported by those rich enough to think they will change the world, and by professorial Leftists. Shadows lurking in the political background, they dare to elect high officials well-read in their catechism.

The leftward twisting of any event is generated by the Left’s high priestesses; dowdy, huffy journalists, media celebrities, and Hollywood. It’s quickly disseminated, down the chain of parrots who repeat the pretense, often too lazy or too vapid not to employ the same exact phraseology. By the end of the news cycle, everybody in Left America is blathering the same phraseology of the high priestesses. It is predictable and boring because, after all these years, everybody on both sides of the political divide knows the catechism. Abortion trumps religious freedom. Freedom from religion trumps Christmas. Sympathy for the devil trumps border security. Minority whining trumps the will of the majority. Liberal judges’ views trump voter laws. Blah-blah-blah.

Look. If the Left wants to smoke dope, provide free birth control to women, party all night long, cripple the military, allow anyone who will vote for it to enter the country illegally, disenfranchise God, make pedophilia legal, embrace atheism over Christianity, flex The Constitution, praise its unpraiseworthy presidents, or anything else it deems will “bring down America,” I really don’t care. I believe America as I know it is strong enough to resist the catechism. What disgusts me is how the Left pretends none of this is true. It's the pretense that disgusts me.

If the Right is unabashedly (and yes, I agree, oft-times overly) rah-rah America – with no attempt to pretend they do not love America, the flag and The Constitution – then, by definition the Left is clearly on the other side. Pretending to bring “progress” to America is in reality hating what the Right strives to protect.

The catechism of Leftism lays out the hierarchy of causes; it tells the Left which side of an issue trumps the other. But always, it is the pretense which gives them cover.