“Surely there is no more wretched sight than a human unloved and uncared for.”
― Corrie ten Boom
When I was a teenager, oh so many years ago, there was an old-fashioned dry cleaning/tailor shop in the neighborhood in which I grew up. I came to know the proprietor, first as a customer, then as a friend. He was a quiet, diminutive old man. The sort of man you’d expect to find in a dimly lit little shop, a shop that somehow felt haunted.
On one of my frequent visits, I noticed two gaunt faces peeking out at me from behind a curtain which separated the shop area from whatever was in the back. The tailor called out two children, introducing them as his son and daughter. They looked to be no more than nine or ten. Though I was just fifteen, I could sense these kids were troubled. They didn’t speak much. They looked like happiness was not a part of their lives, and their expressions and complexions suggested they didn’t do much playing out in the sunlight.
One day, I asked the tailor where their mother was. He looked me square in the eye, sizing me up – was I old enough or bright enough to hear his story. He decided I was.
“She’s dead,” he said. Just like that.
With measuring tape hanging about his neck, and straight pins held between his lips, he described how he and his wife were Polish Jews who were picked up and put on a train straight to one of Hitler’s death camps. When, after interrogation, the camp staff learned he was a tailor, they decided to let him live. They needed tailors to maintain Nazi uniforms. Unfortunately they had no use for his wife. So, he said, they murdered her right in front of him. His eyes weren’t exactly wet, but the look on his face... that story... aged me ten years right on the spot. I don’t think I spoke or even swallowed for a long while after he stopped talking.
I’m not Jewish. But I felt his pain. Their pain. It was the 1950’s. I had only heard about things like this in the grainy, black-and-white movie newsreels of the time. A sense of the individual human toll had never touched me so deeply before.
I asked about the children, but too many years have gone by, I don’t recall what he said. I think they were too young to have been born before their mother was murdered. Perhaps they were adopted children. I do not know. But I do know this: the Holocaust happened, and you better believe it and keep believing it because there are always those who want to convince you it didn’t. And if you think there aren’t people in this world who are crazy enough to try again, you are lying to yourself.
There were almost 50 million people killed in that terrible war – WWII. Can you comprehend that number? 50 million! More than 17 million young men in the military. 18 million civilians. More than 12 million people were killed by the Nazis. The dead were Germans, Poles, Russians, Jews of many nations, Americans, Japanese, Chinese, Brits, Italians, Northern Africans, Arabs and just about every other nationality on the planet. The Nazis attempted to eradicate the Jews – and Christians as well. Oh yes, Christians. When the Russian Army overtook Nazi camps in Poland, they discovered enough Zyklon B crystals to kill 20 million more people. But there were fewer than three million Jews remaining in Europe. Hitler and his crew had already murdered more than 5 million Jews and 7 million Christians, but the devil contemplated killing 20 million more. This is what happens when nations appease psychopathic leaders who have delusions of world domination and the means to that end.
Islamic fundamentalists have delusions of a new world-wide caliphate. Or maybe they just have plain ol’ revenge deeply woven into their subconscious. Revenge for how the Old Testament describes Abraham and Sarah treated Ishmael, half-brother of the younger Isaac. If you have not read this part of The Old Testament, I urge you to, as Ishmael is considered by many to be a seminal figure in their tribes. And as an ancient proverb suggests; “Revenge is a dish best served... cold.”
I can think of another biblical admonishment which applies here. It is sage advice for our next president. “If you learn that a man is planning to sneak into your tent to kill your family, sneak into his and kill him first.”
If you have small-government,
traditional values,
you may be considered
by your own leadership
to be an enemy of the state.
~Monica Crowley
These days, we hear a lot from the Left defending “American values,” and how certain ideas are “un-American.” Imagine, an international criminal like George Soros lectures us about American values.
Listening to their supercilious pontification, one suspects they believe there is some list, chiseled in stone, enumerating these values. Maybe on the Lincoln Memorial, or in The Constitution, or maybe a plaque bearing a poem adhered to the base of the Statue of Liberty. As if, even if there were such a list, it would be immutable, never varying with time or situation, over the history of a nation.
What are these so-called American values imagined by these pretend patriots?
Millions of needy American citizens – families, individuals, children – who have been American citizens all their lives, can eat dog food. But the Left cries crocodile tears to help anyone from any foreign nation who claims to need help – as long as they are seen to be bringers of chaos (or future liberal votes) to our shores. While America’s poor gets lip service, in many communities such as those in California, immigrants are provided with new homes, fully furnished, with creature comforts many poorer, or even hard working Americans, cannot afford. The social contract rationalizes this by suggesting they will find a job within six months, then return the “loans” by paying taxes.
But they don’t want jobs. They may be unfamiliar with our traditions, but they are not without guile; they know that after six months of (not) searching for work, they become eligible for dozens of government programs wherein they may receive unconditional benefits, seemingly forever! But needy traditional Americans don’t even get to suck hind teat; they get zip. That’s “American values” according to the Left.
What about Democratic Congress passing the sweeping health insurance law we call ObamaCare, with thousands of unread pages, paying not the slightest attention to the opposition’s warnings, never asking “traditional” Americans if they even wanted it; passing it by some arcane Congressional rules maneuver in the dead of night? Democratic deceit. Another American value.
Or maybe it’s the Left’s passionate support and defense of those who profit from the mutilation and killing of almost-born babies. There’s a real American value for you.
How about one of their favorite Presidents and one of his recently dearly departed minions selling our technology secrets to China and other adversarial nations? Another one of their “American Value$$$.”
The current leader of the Democrat Party rushes to judgment on criminal cases based on the race of the victim and alleged perpetrator, influencing the authorities, judges and juries. I do not recall anyone asking for the President’s opinion before the facts are in. “Rushing to judgment.” Another American value according to the President.
While using the full force of the Democrat’s media arm – i.e. virtually all major media in America! – to drown all of America in a waterfall of guilt and street retribution for any incident where a non-white is killed or harmed by a white person, they continue to ignore the horrible slaughter of blacks killed by other blacks in gangland’s drug and turf wars. Looking the other way while thousands of American children – some as young as four years old! – are lost to street violence; Liberals’ idea American values.
One of my personal favorite American values is sending our brave leader overseas to apologize for things with which you and I and most Americans had nothing whatsoever to do. That really swells my pride in American values.
Or using the IRS and other government agencies to “legally” punish the Left’s opponents? Then, when caught red-handed, to not prosecute the perps on the pretense that they themselves performed the investigation and found no evidence. There’s real American value.
Or droning on about taking away the ability of American citizens to protect themselves and their families by voiding the Second Amendment, while inviting thousands of unvettable potential terrorists (not to mention rapists and drug gangs) into the nation’s cities... good ol’ fashioned American values, eh?
How about the quadri-annual pounding of Wall Street by the Left’s presidential candidates... the very same ones who receive major contributions from the same Wall Street and K Street lobbyists? Hypocracy? Even Bernie Sanders didn’t think that was an American value.
Then there’s the old Washington DC tradition of elected officials putting the interests of any crony with influence or cash ahead of those who pay their salary – something which is generally punished in the private sector but taken for granted by government officials. American value.
The aforementioned are just a few of the more controversial expressions of the Left’s idea of American values. The list is much longer.
There are minor American values, such as threatening arrest, punishment and infamy for a little white boy who bit his Pop-Tart snack into the shape of a gun while at school. One of those terribly dangerous Pop-Tarts capable of squirting a drop of filling almost 3 inches! But when a boy of another complexion brings what looks to his teachers like some kind of improvised explosive device, he is celebrated as a science genius rivaling the likes of Isaac Newton, brought to the White House by President Obama, given awards, offered scholarships, flown around the world to meet with Muslim royalty. The Left celebrates because he is associated, in their minds at least, with those who bring chaos to America. Then to cap it all off, his parents bring a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the school. Meanwhile, the little white boy and his family are humiliated for bringing an unlicnsed, dangerous, loaded Pop-Tart to school. That seems fair, doesn’t it? Like an American value.
Political correctness which shuts down access of even the most moderate Republican spokespersons to speak at many publicly funded universities – funded incidentally in a good part by these very same Republicans. Or to even set up military recruitment kiosks within university bounds. The very same military which insures the university faculty’s ability to flaunt The Constitution. As red-blooded an American value as Old Glory.
And what about that awful, horrible tradition of Christian Americans to display symbols of their faith at Christmas and Easter? Obviously any expression of faith by Christians in America goes against the Left’s most treasured American values.
Wealthy and powerful Americans like Al Gore and President Obama travel around the globe, spewing untold tons of pollutants into the atmosphere on their way to preach about how you and I are flouting American values by polluting the atmosphere with our little 60-watt incandescent light bulbs, and destroying the planet’s balance by eating too many bacon cheeseburgers. These Amerikan values – the belief in global warming and climate change, more as a religion than a fact, have become as big a business as any major religion.
But what exactly is the Left’s absurd belief in global warming or climate change as a miraculous cause of anger within some Middle East nations – anger of such magnitude that they want to destroy America and her little brother Israel? Nothing other than simple belief. Belief!
There is no more reliable, reputable scientific proof of global warming as cause of terrorist activity (or anything else) as there is proof that Jesus is the son of God. These things are beliefs. And belief in unprovable things is just faith. And faith in the unprovable is really another way of describing religion. The religious cult of the Left conducts its unholy agenda according to the canon of Marxism, all the while pretending its opposition, not itself, is against American values.
The Left claims it is against American values to suggest – as Donald Trump and others have – that the American people – including the Left! – must be protected from enemies sworn to kill us. Mr. Trump might have modified his declaration a bit, which might have made it sound more reasonable. He might have said we should temporarily stop the immigration of any “unknown” or “unvetted” foreigner. That is, any foreigner who we do not already know... so that the many Muslims who we regularly do business with, or educators, scientists, ambassadors, leaders and so forth would not be subject to the pause.
It’s obvious that had yesteryear’s leaders been infected with the same Leftist religious orthodoxy; coddling the enemy, denying they even are the enemy, inviting them into our land, allowing them to capture our weaponry, punishing any military leader on our side who dares speak out or tries to take the fight to the enemy, we would never have vanquished our enemies in WWII, and bad as it is today, the world would be in a much worse fix .
If the idea of pausing immigration until our leaders can figure out “what the hell is going on” is called unAmerican by Hillary Clinton and the Left, I suggest that their “religion” has converted large segments of our government and populace. So why shouldn’t government employees who believe in this religious claptrap be subject to the separation of church and State rule they are so fond of siting? They, including President Obama, should stop foisting their religion on America, or declare we no longer are governed by a secular government.
It appears to this writer that to our President and his Leftist minions, anything – from Pop-Tarts to unvetted and illegal immigrants to the unwillingness to clamp down on street gangs – anything that brings chaos to our streets brings them closer to their goal of transforming our nation into another Marxist failure.
As a political tool, chaos is the Left’s traditional international value.
Paris, France. Terrorism.
The kind of terrorism which, once again, reaches across the Atlantic, to make its mark on the scarred psyche of America.
Have our scars made us afraid to confront the truth? At this time in our history, hidden carefully within the benign immigrant hordes, are rotten apples. Trained, funded and masters of the surprise attack, revelers in blood and carrion. When will we in America take immigration enforcement seriously? The key to immigration law enforcement is not a matter of numbers so much as a matter of whom.
Rail as much as you like against Donald Trump’s hard-line stance: if you don’t have enforceable borders, you don’t have a country. Many Americans, liberal Democrats and their media minions, paint Trump’s stance as an affront to Mexicans, or perhaps Hispanic peoples in general. That’s a narrow-minded, ideological view. Looked at in a broad context, almost half the illegal immigration to the United States consists of non-Hispanic people from other parts of the world. Many come with visas of various types, by sea and by air from all over the world. When their visas expire, they choose to break the law; they do not leave. Safe to assume they never intended to honor our, or their own nation’s visa laws. They lied every step of the way.
We may have their names in computerized lists, but this doesn’t really tell us anything about who they are – and sadly – where they are. They may have given “student” or other benign-sounding reasons for entering the U.S. Now we have “refugees.” Once here, the rotten apples are like I.E.D.s – Improvised Explosive Devices – set to go off when we least expect it. The lax immigration enforcement policies of our current administration virtually insures they will go off. Does anyone remember the seemingly benign fellows from the Middle East who were here “legally?” Who learned to fly planes here, legally? Who then purchased airline tickets legally? Then flew the planes into the World Trade Towers.
The carnage in Paris ought to be enough to get even President Obama to define the problem: but he won’t. They can be from anywhere. Though not Mexican, many sneak across our southern border. Which is why we need Trump’s wall, and the enforcement policies to go with it. Not because we hate Mexicans, or Hispanics, or Arabs, or Asians, or anyone. But because we hate to see innocent people maimed and killed. We need to identify and stop those with evil intent from creating Paris-like chaos on the streets of our country. Our president’s reaction; release three more Gitmo jihadis.
Additionally, we have to acknowledge that among the millions of so-called “illegals” already within the U.S. – who have come here from many nations – a certain percent of jihadis hide among the innocents. A good number have long criminal records, some belonging to underground gangs and hidden terrorist cells spread throughout the U.S. It’s not like we don’t know how and where they get together after they are settled here.
Immigrants come to the U.S. for many different reasons. Some of them come just for the benefits, with no intention of becoming one of the Left’s vaunted “hard-working immigrants.” California is among the most charitable States when it comes to immigrants imported by Obama’s administration. And where do these “poor” people gravitate to? San Diego. Ranking among the top three or four of America’s most expensive cities to live in! “The chosen” get free apartments, furnished, large-screen tv’s, and an opportunity for employment. If they are unable or unwilling to find work (theory is they will repay our charity by paying their taxes – have you stopped laughing or crying yet?) If unable to find work – these immigrants have been schooled by the Democratic machine – they know how to work the system to qualify for free benefits from dozens of government agencies. Theoretically, they can weasel as much as $650,000 over the years! Cost to the tax-payers? Many billions of dollars annually. No one in government seems to care.
So, please forgive me if I show little sympathy for this relatively new class of immigrant. Our forbears came here from other countries. None of this assistance was available to them back in the day. I do not recall that they set out to bilk America for every penny they can, demanding the American taxpayer give them every possible creature comfort. Demanding! But to the Democratic Party, the cost doesn’t enter into the equation. All that matters is creating another class of “paid” Democratic voters, perpetually dependent upon them, in their thrall... a bondage of the soul.
President Obama and the Liberal Democratic machine do not care if they are importing the rotten apples embedded in this new class of immigrants. Collateral damage. They are actually more like “invitees.” If the rest of us do not go along with them, we are labeled racists or xenophobes, or just plain haters. But the rotten deeds of the rotten apples are arousing the ire of Americans toward immigration in general.
If you are one of those hold-outs who do not believe even now that Obama’s motives are less beneficent than they are to create chaos in America; if you still don’t see how he is doing everything he can, winking at his core, to bring it about – Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago, Oakland, et al., and how this new class of refugees is an I.E.D. – an Improvised Explosive Device – just like in Paris, London and many European Cities – I have to wonder how much more it will take to make you see the obvious.
This is why Donald Trump remains high in the polls. If Democrats don’t care how treacherous, how terribly dangerous their immigration policies are, why in hell should Republicans give a damn if Trump’s language and hard stance on immigration offends anyone? The man wants to build his wall, to rebuild our military, to protect our nation!
The kind of terrorism which, once again, reaches across the Atlantic, to make its mark on the scarred psyche of America.
Have our scars made us afraid to confront the truth? At this time in our history, hidden carefully within the benign immigrant hordes, are rotten apples. Trained, funded and masters of the surprise attack, revelers in blood and carrion. When will we in America take immigration enforcement seriously? The key to immigration law enforcement is not a matter of numbers so much as a matter of whom.
Rail as much as you like against Donald Trump’s hard-line stance: if you don’t have enforceable borders, you don’t have a country. Many Americans, liberal Democrats and their media minions, paint Trump’s stance as an affront to Mexicans, or perhaps Hispanic peoples in general. That’s a narrow-minded, ideological view. Looked at in a broad context, almost half the illegal immigration to the United States consists of non-Hispanic people from other parts of the world. Many come with visas of various types, by sea and by air from all over the world. When their visas expire, they choose to break the law; they do not leave. Safe to assume they never intended to honor our, or their own nation’s visa laws. They lied every step of the way.
We may have their names in computerized lists, but this doesn’t really tell us anything about who they are – and sadly – where they are. They may have given “student” or other benign-sounding reasons for entering the U.S. Now we have “refugees.” Once here, the rotten apples are like I.E.D.s – Improvised Explosive Devices – set to go off when we least expect it. The lax immigration enforcement policies of our current administration virtually insures they will go off. Does anyone remember the seemingly benign fellows from the Middle East who were here “legally?” Who learned to fly planes here, legally? Who then purchased airline tickets legally? Then flew the planes into the World Trade Towers.
The carnage in Paris ought to be enough to get even President Obama to define the problem: but he won’t. They can be from anywhere. Though not Mexican, many sneak across our southern border. Which is why we need Trump’s wall, and the enforcement policies to go with it. Not because we hate Mexicans, or Hispanics, or Arabs, or Asians, or anyone. But because we hate to see innocent people maimed and killed. We need to identify and stop those with evil intent from creating Paris-like chaos on the streets of our country. Our president’s reaction; release three more Gitmo jihadis.
Additionally, we have to acknowledge that among the millions of so-called “illegals” already within the U.S. – who have come here from many nations – a certain percent of jihadis hide among the innocents. A good number have long criminal records, some belonging to underground gangs and hidden terrorist cells spread throughout the U.S. It’s not like we don’t know how and where they get together after they are settled here.
Immigrants come to the U.S. for many different reasons. Some of them come just for the benefits, with no intention of becoming one of the Left’s vaunted “hard-working immigrants.” California is among the most charitable States when it comes to immigrants imported by Obama’s administration. And where do these “poor” people gravitate to? San Diego. Ranking among the top three or four of America’s most expensive cities to live in! “The chosen” get free apartments, furnished, large-screen tv’s, and an opportunity for employment. If they are unable or unwilling to find work (theory is they will repay our charity by paying their taxes – have you stopped laughing or crying yet?) If unable to find work – these immigrants have been schooled by the Democratic machine – they know how to work the system to qualify for free benefits from dozens of government agencies. Theoretically, they can weasel as much as $650,000 over the years! Cost to the tax-payers? Many billions of dollars annually. No one in government seems to care.
So, please forgive me if I show little sympathy for this relatively new class of immigrant. Our forbears came here from other countries. None of this assistance was available to them back in the day. I do not recall that they set out to bilk America for every penny they can, demanding the American taxpayer give them every possible creature comfort. Demanding! But to the Democratic Party, the cost doesn’t enter into the equation. All that matters is creating another class of “paid” Democratic voters, perpetually dependent upon them, in their thrall... a bondage of the soul.
President Obama and the Liberal Democratic machine do not care if they are importing the rotten apples embedded in this new class of immigrants. Collateral damage. They are actually more like “invitees.” If the rest of us do not go along with them, we are labeled racists or xenophobes, or just plain haters. But the rotten deeds of the rotten apples are arousing the ire of Americans toward immigration in general.
If you are one of those hold-outs who do not believe even now that Obama’s motives are less beneficent than they are to create chaos in America; if you still don’t see how he is doing everything he can, winking at his core, to bring it about – Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago, Oakland, et al., and how this new class of refugees is an I.E.D. – an Improvised Explosive Device – just like in Paris, London and many European Cities – I have to wonder how much more it will take to make you see the obvious.
This is why Donald Trump remains high in the polls. If Democrats don’t care how treacherous, how terribly dangerous their immigration policies are, why in hell should Republicans give a damn if Trump’s language and hard stance on immigration offends anyone? The man wants to build his wall, to rebuild our military, to protect our nation!
It’s kind of awful, unable to do much of anything meaningful, sitting by, watching and muttering as the left and its minions on the streets of America rampage on, like a pack of hungry mice chewing away on the very fabric of The Constitution. No... more than The Constitution: tradition, reality and common sense.
In deeply troubling times, bamboozled voters elected America’s first African-American president. How proud the cheering throng was. He was going to “change” things. How could what polling suggested, at the time, was a majority conservative nation, elect an unknown, untested fellow named Obama? They were so thoroughly brainwashed by Hollywood films which portrayed black men as hero presidents, that they believe that’s how it would be if they elected an African-American president. Why, black presidents were so effective they saved the world from aliens. But as we see, reality and screen plays are two entirely different things. Apparently, Chris Matthews’ “simpletonian” voters are unable to grasp such subtleties. Great job, Hollywood. You guys are the Maytag Men of brain-washers.
Now, the left is dedicated to elect a woman for pretty much the same reason.
In both cases, it’s as if it’s nothing more than a movie casting call to the Hollywood left and their legion of adoring simpleton followers. Who gets the part? The most accomplished person? The person with the best plan to revive our economy? The person with the best plan to deal with Putin and the Middle East chaos? Maybe the most honest person? No. None of this is on the casting table. The one who is chosen is the one the director and studio execs think “fits the part.” The part being the next baton carrier for the left’s world-wide socialist agenda. And when it’s decided, the entire entertainment legion, having received its orders, marches out and sells the anointed one to the simpletons in the hinterburghs of America.
It’s the same script every cycle. Road trips. Hand shaking in diners stocked with SAG movie extras.
Places! Lights! Sound (speed!) Camera (rolling!) ...and...action!
Hillary visits a diner in Mayberry, shaking hands with Goober, Emma Watson and Floyd the barber while they’re making fun of Barney Fife over coffee and half-baked gooseberry pie.
“How y’all doin’ this here fine day?” says Hillary in her best Southernese.
Miss Emma blinks hard and whispers across the table to Goober, “Golly Neds, Goober... I think she’s Hillary!”
“Say it agin...” says Goob.
Emma says, “Yer that there fine lady runnin’ for president, right? Can I have yer autygraph?”
“You folks gonna vote fer me?”
“Sho ‘nuf!”
“Yes’m, Miss Hillary,” stammers the Goob, “What this country needs is a nahs female type lady president. Just lahk in that there Battlestar Galactica tv show I seen once.” He whispers to Emma “She saved them all from sure death.”
Hillary turns to Floyd. “And who are you, handsome?”
“Awwww, you know who I am. Floyd Lawson, proprietor of Floyd Lawson’s Barber Shoppe. Floyd Lawson proprietor, ma’m. I’m Floyd. Uh, say, does Bill need a haircut? He’s looking a bit shaggy.”
Hahahahaha! Hillary screams, startling Goober... he spits out coffee from the saucer he was slurping on. Floyd laughs at Goober’s clutziness, “Yer gonna have to leave a bigger tip now, Goob.”
“I got yer tip right here, Floyd!”
“Cut!” shouts the director. “Strike the set. Okay crew, let’s move on to the next scene... the bowling alley...”
And so it goes.
But the reality is, our glorious first African-American president is not saving the nation or anything else. He’s on a political rampage, destroying Traditional America with pen and phone. And all you can do is sit by and shake your head, because everyone knows it’s happening and everybody knows nobody will do anything about it because we live in an era of political correctness which is the same as political cowardice. Washington, DC is grabbing all the tax dough it can before the bakery runs out. And all you can do is hope The Constitution lasts another year and maybe, just maybe a new president will be able to undo some of the worst damage. And some of you even have a nightmare that maybe Mr Obama won’t give up the White House. He’ll create some national crisis in which he can set aside law and assume his role as dictator. Why not, you think? He’s set up the mechanisms, hasn’t he? And by then he’ll have another army of imported jihadists to back him up.
Fear not. Even Hollywood isn’t calling for scripts for that movie. Even they know they’ll be among the first targets.
But they have produced more than one with a woman president. And because she’s a woman, she can’t be criticized about substantive things. Only email issues that never go anywhere anyway because Hollywood’s script reads: What difference, at this point, does it make?
One thing is for damn sure; Hollywood hasn’t produced one with a wealthy businessman who gets the voters’ mandate to go to D.C. and clean up the mess, the corruption, the cronyism and the rip-off of your tax dollars. Build up the military. Cut spending. Stop unfettered immigration. Build a wall. All that mean-spirited common sense conservative stuff.
Do you think we’ll ever see that movie? Only if it’s a Peter Sellers comedy of errors.
In deeply troubling times, bamboozled voters elected America’s first African-American president. How proud the cheering throng was. He was going to “change” things. How could what polling suggested, at the time, was a majority conservative nation, elect an unknown, untested fellow named Obama? They were so thoroughly brainwashed by Hollywood films which portrayed black men as hero presidents, that they believe that’s how it would be if they elected an African-American president. Why, black presidents were so effective they saved the world from aliens. But as we see, reality and screen plays are two entirely different things. Apparently, Chris Matthews’ “simpletonian” voters are unable to grasp such subtleties. Great job, Hollywood. You guys are the Maytag Men of brain-washers.
Now, the left is dedicated to elect a woman for pretty much the same reason.
In both cases, it’s as if it’s nothing more than a movie casting call to the Hollywood left and their legion of adoring simpleton followers. Who gets the part? The most accomplished person? The person with the best plan to revive our economy? The person with the best plan to deal with Putin and the Middle East chaos? Maybe the most honest person? No. None of this is on the casting table. The one who is chosen is the one the director and studio execs think “fits the part.” The part being the next baton carrier for the left’s world-wide socialist agenda. And when it’s decided, the entire entertainment legion, having received its orders, marches out and sells the anointed one to the simpletons in the hinterburghs of America.
It’s the same script every cycle. Road trips. Hand shaking in diners stocked with SAG movie extras.
Places! Lights! Sound (speed!) Camera (rolling!) ...and...action!
Hillary visits a diner in Mayberry, shaking hands with Goober, Emma Watson and Floyd the barber while they’re making fun of Barney Fife over coffee and half-baked gooseberry pie.
“How y’all doin’ this here fine day?” says Hillary in her best Southernese.
Miss Emma blinks hard and whispers across the table to Goober, “Golly Neds, Goober... I think she’s Hillary!”
“Say it agin...” says Goob.
Emma says, “Yer that there fine lady runnin’ for president, right? Can I have yer autygraph?”
“You folks gonna vote fer me?”
“Sho ‘nuf!”
“Yes’m, Miss Hillary,” stammers the Goob, “What this country needs is a nahs female type lady president. Just lahk in that there Battlestar Galactica tv show I seen once.” He whispers to Emma “She saved them all from sure death.”
Hillary turns to Floyd. “And who are you, handsome?”
“Awwww, you know who I am. Floyd Lawson, proprietor of Floyd Lawson’s Barber Shoppe. Floyd Lawson proprietor, ma’m. I’m Floyd. Uh, say, does Bill need a haircut? He’s looking a bit shaggy.”
Hahahahaha! Hillary screams, startling Goober... he spits out coffee from the saucer he was slurping on. Floyd laughs at Goober’s clutziness, “Yer gonna have to leave a bigger tip now, Goob.”
“I got yer tip right here, Floyd!”
“Cut!” shouts the director. “Strike the set. Okay crew, let’s move on to the next scene... the bowling alley...”
And so it goes.
But the reality is, our glorious first African-American president is not saving the nation or anything else. He’s on a political rampage, destroying Traditional America with pen and phone. And all you can do is sit by and shake your head, because everyone knows it’s happening and everybody knows nobody will do anything about it because we live in an era of political correctness which is the same as political cowardice. Washington, DC is grabbing all the tax dough it can before the bakery runs out. And all you can do is hope The Constitution lasts another year and maybe, just maybe a new president will be able to undo some of the worst damage. And some of you even have a nightmare that maybe Mr Obama won’t give up the White House. He’ll create some national crisis in which he can set aside law and assume his role as dictator. Why not, you think? He’s set up the mechanisms, hasn’t he? And by then he’ll have another army of imported jihadists to back him up.
Fear not. Even Hollywood isn’t calling for scripts for that movie. Even they know they’ll be among the first targets.
But they have produced more than one with a woman president. And because she’s a woman, she can’t be criticized about substantive things. Only email issues that never go anywhere anyway because Hollywood’s script reads: What difference, at this point, does it make?
One thing is for damn sure; Hollywood hasn’t produced one with a wealthy businessman who gets the voters’ mandate to go to D.C. and clean up the mess, the corruption, the cronyism and the rip-off of your tax dollars. Build up the military. Cut spending. Stop unfettered immigration. Build a wall. All that mean-spirited common sense conservative stuff.
Do you think we’ll ever see that movie? Only if it’s a Peter Sellers comedy of errors.
One session on the internet, whether social or political – particularly perusing readers’ comments – illustrates one thing very clearly; the higher technology rises, the lower our culture sinks.
Certainly it’s not the fault of technology, which in general has made our lives more convenient.
The fault lies with users. The internet instantaneously spreads not just information and news, but dis-information and unreliable news. Commentary then quickly degenerates to the worst, darkest side of human nature.
The culture of rebellious youth gravitates toward the lowest common denominator; attracted to street language, street garb, street attitude and total lack of grace and manners. As we fall farther toward an immoral, uncivil, chaotic abyss, technology increases the rate of descent. Not just on our devices, but in our face-to-face transactions. Pity the poor check-out clerks at local markets, and order takers at fast food drive-thru’s who are faced with it day-in and day-out – hearing and seeing it all – with smiles pasted on their faces, and “thank you’s” passing over their lips.
It is far too easy for commenters to unleash hatred from the dark corners of their id in the relative anonymity of the net. Chubby nebbishes present themselves on the internet as satanspawn or worse; frustrated heroes captatlantis hurl epithets at one another; elderly church ladies call themselves maneater or whatever suits their alter egos. Each unabashedly unleashes his or her darkest fantasies on others with equally absurd names.
We would like to believe America’s basic moral sentiment is good and positive – and in most cases of everyday life, it is! But if our internet culture does not have a rebirth of goodness, it will remain little more than the technologically advanced gutter culture it has become.
America’s problems, from politics to race relations have been exacerbated by internet users’ inability to allow their better angels – if better angels any longer be – influence their language and actions.
On-line vitriol toward others we do not even know – who in other circumstances we might even call friend – is difficult to stop when there is little or no price to pay.
The internet was designed originally to provide free access for the exchange of ideas for scientists and engineers in a limited environment. It was not originally designed to be a world-wide web. Which is why it is almost impossible to make it truly secure. This original principle of free access is also what has allowed it to evolve – unintentionally! – into the littered highway for social interaction, dis-information and schlocky advertising which it has become. Somewhere early on it was corrupted by the same people who corrupt everything else good. But do not think this can go on forever. Non-elected bureaucratic types will eventually, perhaps even soon, do their best to restrict your usage, forcing rebels and fanatical partisans farther and farther into the dark corners of the net, or to alternate internets beyond anyone’s control.
I cannot imagine today’s users and commenters cleaning up their own acts. It’s far too tempting and easy to log on and vent your anger anonymously than to research any given subject and comment reasonably, affably, intelligently. This requires a willingness to soften partisanship and adopt an attitude of independent, critical thinking – something apparently far beyond the parameters of inadequate IQ found on the internet.
Certainly it’s not the fault of technology, which in general has made our lives more convenient.
The fault lies with users. The internet instantaneously spreads not just information and news, but dis-information and unreliable news. Commentary then quickly degenerates to the worst, darkest side of human nature.
The culture of rebellious youth gravitates toward the lowest common denominator; attracted to street language, street garb, street attitude and total lack of grace and manners. As we fall farther toward an immoral, uncivil, chaotic abyss, technology increases the rate of descent. Not just on our devices, but in our face-to-face transactions. Pity the poor check-out clerks at local markets, and order takers at fast food drive-thru’s who are faced with it day-in and day-out – hearing and seeing it all – with smiles pasted on their faces, and “thank you’s” passing over their lips.
It is far too easy for commenters to unleash hatred from the dark corners of their id in the relative anonymity of the net. Chubby nebbishes present themselves on the internet as satanspawn or worse; frustrated heroes captatlantis hurl epithets at one another; elderly church ladies call themselves maneater or whatever suits their alter egos. Each unabashedly unleashes his or her darkest fantasies on others with equally absurd names.
We would like to believe America’s basic moral sentiment is good and positive – and in most cases of everyday life, it is! But if our internet culture does not have a rebirth of goodness, it will remain little more than the technologically advanced gutter culture it has become.
America’s problems, from politics to race relations have been exacerbated by internet users’ inability to allow their better angels – if better angels any longer be – influence their language and actions.
On-line vitriol toward others we do not even know – who in other circumstances we might even call friend – is difficult to stop when there is little or no price to pay.
The internet was designed originally to provide free access for the exchange of ideas for scientists and engineers in a limited environment. It was not originally designed to be a world-wide web. Which is why it is almost impossible to make it truly secure. This original principle of free access is also what has allowed it to evolve – unintentionally! – into the littered highway for social interaction, dis-information and schlocky advertising which it has become. Somewhere early on it was corrupted by the same people who corrupt everything else good. But do not think this can go on forever. Non-elected bureaucratic types will eventually, perhaps even soon, do their best to restrict your usage, forcing rebels and fanatical partisans farther and farther into the dark corners of the net, or to alternate internets beyond anyone’s control.
I cannot imagine today’s users and commenters cleaning up their own acts. It’s far too tempting and easy to log on and vent your anger anonymously than to research any given subject and comment reasonably, affably, intelligently. This requires a willingness to soften partisanship and adopt an attitude of independent, critical thinking – something apparently far beyond the parameters of inadequate IQ found on the internet.
Conservatives have been driven to the edge of an ideological cliff. Is it any wonder they are angry – no, furious – and support Donald Trump?
The dreaded Dumfux on both sides of the aisle have been running the government. Into the ground.
Dumfux? People who confuse elitist intellectualism with intelligence. People who, based on nothing more than failed 18th Century ideology, mistakenly believe they have acquired the wisdom to dictate what’s right for you, your family, your community, your industry... everyone but themselves.
Big Media Dumfux opine on subjects so far over their heads they can only see the ass ends, from which their gotcha questions drop: “Would you support a muslim for President?” (Incidentally, Ben, the correct answer is “Hell no, I think there are several in the Administration right now, and I don’t support anything they have done so far.”
Conservatives vote right, and yet, in the corrupt, stinking swamp of DC, the deals always seem to fall to the left. Conservatives vote yes, and the Dumfux count is no.
Media Dumfux dwell on Trump’s (and all conservative Republicans’) problems, mistakes and history; pretending they are informing audiences, when all they’re doing is trying to boost their ratings by tearing down candidates conservatives favor. Meanwhile, the Dumfux completely skip over, disregard or otherwise neglect mentioning their favorites’ far more egregious lies, false promises and fabrications.
The dreaded Dumfux try to dictate who to like, what to eat, what kind of vehicles to drive, how to live, how to dress, what religions are good and bad, how much meat to eat, how much cola to drink, how much water to use, how much electricity, what kind of bags, bottles, bathrooms and trivia ad nauseam.
Dumfux say NO! to guns, no to flags, no to The Bible, no to SUVs, no to Christmas, Easter and Jesus. No to NASCAR, no to prisons, no restrictions on abortions or weed. Yet they call Republicans “the party of no.” All conservatives really want is smaller government, a stronger military and lower taxes.
They argue over what color of lives matter. The Dumfux choir chants black lives matter but turns a blind eye to the horrific numbers of our black brothers and sisters dying in mothers’ wombs and wounds, on the mean streets of America’s gang-infested big cities.
Dumfux produce dark movies, dark “music,” and sit behind dark news desks.
They propagandize and indoctrinate your children and call it “education.”
They want unlimited immigration (excepting, presumably, conservative foreigners) in order to keep the dreaded Dumfux in charge forever.
They would have the nation tolerate, even embrace, every imaginable carnal perversion, then have the audacity to berate conservatives for resisting the nation’s fall from grace.
They feign guilt about things which happened in the distant past... things with which no one living today had anything whatsoever to do... in order to guilt the nation into passing legislation which otherwise would be seen for the fraud it is.
They continue to apologize for America’s charitable, medical, military and technological contributions to the world.
Dumfux have brought America down, insisting she is an unexceptional nation, no more significant than Earth’s many unexceptional nations. Of course, if this requires giving up their private jets, great privileges, golf, vacations and other bennies, they will issue exemptions for themselves.
Is it any wonder conservatives are attracted to a candidate who calls out the Dumfux? Someone who wants us to live in a proud first rate nation. Someone who wants to make America great again.
The dreaded Dumfux on both sides of the aisle have been running the government. Into the ground.
Dumfux? People who confuse elitist intellectualism with intelligence. People who, based on nothing more than failed 18th Century ideology, mistakenly believe they have acquired the wisdom to dictate what’s right for you, your family, your community, your industry... everyone but themselves.
Big Media Dumfux opine on subjects so far over their heads they can only see the ass ends, from which their gotcha questions drop: “Would you support a muslim for President?” (Incidentally, Ben, the correct answer is “Hell no, I think there are several in the Administration right now, and I don’t support anything they have done so far.”
Conservatives vote right, and yet, in the corrupt, stinking swamp of DC, the deals always seem to fall to the left. Conservatives vote yes, and the Dumfux count is no.
Media Dumfux dwell on Trump’s (and all conservative Republicans’) problems, mistakes and history; pretending they are informing audiences, when all they’re doing is trying to boost their ratings by tearing down candidates conservatives favor. Meanwhile, the Dumfux completely skip over, disregard or otherwise neglect mentioning their favorites’ far more egregious lies, false promises and fabrications.
The dreaded Dumfux try to dictate who to like, what to eat, what kind of vehicles to drive, how to live, how to dress, what religions are good and bad, how much meat to eat, how much cola to drink, how much water to use, how much electricity, what kind of bags, bottles, bathrooms and trivia ad nauseam.
Dumfux say NO! to guns, no to flags, no to The Bible, no to SUVs, no to Christmas, Easter and Jesus. No to NASCAR, no to prisons, no restrictions on abortions or weed. Yet they call Republicans “the party of no.” All conservatives really want is smaller government, a stronger military and lower taxes.
They argue over what color of lives matter. The Dumfux choir chants black lives matter but turns a blind eye to the horrific numbers of our black brothers and sisters dying in mothers’ wombs and wounds, on the mean streets of America’s gang-infested big cities.
Dumfux produce dark movies, dark “music,” and sit behind dark news desks.
They propagandize and indoctrinate your children and call it “education.”
They want unlimited immigration (excepting, presumably, conservative foreigners) in order to keep the dreaded Dumfux in charge forever.
They would have the nation tolerate, even embrace, every imaginable carnal perversion, then have the audacity to berate conservatives for resisting the nation’s fall from grace.
They feign guilt about things which happened in the distant past... things with which no one living today had anything whatsoever to do... in order to guilt the nation into passing legislation which otherwise would be seen for the fraud it is.
They continue to apologize for America’s charitable, medical, military and technological contributions to the world.
Dumfux have brought America down, insisting she is an unexceptional nation, no more significant than Earth’s many unexceptional nations. Of course, if this requires giving up their private jets, great privileges, golf, vacations and other bennies, they will issue exemptions for themselves.
Is it any wonder conservatives are attracted to a candidate who calls out the Dumfux? Someone who wants us to live in a proud first rate nation. Someone who wants to make America great again.
Item: recent study predicts world population will reach 9,000,000,000 in the near future. Nine billion people. Two billion more people than we already have crowded into world communities.
Item: Recent article by a New York Post on-line fashion critic decrying the way people dress nowadays.
These seemingly disparate subjects correlate.
As criticisms go, this fashion critique was fairly mild. Its readers’ comments were far less so.
The nerve of this woman! – they lambasted this critic – to suggest that people shouldn’t feel good about dressing down! She is, to their way of thinking, an elitist. A throw-back. Why, this is the modern world, they reminded her; and slobs can dress any way we like.
But if I can avoid a fool who looks, speaks and acts like a slob, I consider I have avoided the human equivalent of an auto wreck. Painful experience has taught me a slob will not enrich, elevate or ennoble anyone’s life here on this Earth. Which is why I essentially agree with the Post writer.
Oh, I know the old axiom; you can’t judge a book by its cover. Sometimes it’s true. Mostly it’s not.
“Casual Friday,” having broken down the traditional barriers to casual attire in non-casual situations, our “modern” culture is doing its victory laps in flip-flops. Hell, Post article commenters suggest, if they want to attend a Broadway show, or a concert or the opera or maybe even their Aunt Bessie’s funeral in baggy shorts, smudgy cotton tees and clackety flip-flops, well that’s their Constitutional right. One commenter went so far as to say how dare this critic try to drag us back into the 1950s, when people actually had dress codes and etiquette.
Before gold lamé capes and blubber began appearing in his concerts, Elvis wore a sport coat, white shirt and tie. The Beatles came to America wearing black suits, white shirts and ties. Okay, the pants were pegged. Then the mid-to-late ‘60s Woodstock generation came upon us like a tsunami of BO and DNA. John Lennon put on a pair of creepy Strangelove sunglasses, sought out the Maharishi to help him meditate on yellow submarines, bored the shit out of real Beatles fans by his and George’s infernal sitar buzzing, hung out with a skinny Marxist chick from another dimension, posed and gave interviews nude in bed, beat down the Beatles, and that was that. In the end, Ringo turns out to be the shining Starr.
Today, we are told comfort trumps etiquette. Another group of commenters, completely missing the critic’s point, asserted; we are paying the symphonic performers to perform, not to judge our attire. This, they announced, is the “modern world.” And that’s where these two items – over-population and etiquette – intersect.
The modern world? News flash: people in the 15th Century thought they lived in the modern world. DaVinci and Machiavelli didn’t wear flip-flops. Folks in the Victorian Era thought they were living in the modern world. Ever see pics of Florence Nightingale’s “casual” attire? In the 1920s and 30s your great grandmother thought she lived in the modern world. The only thing that flipped and flopped in her day was the stock market. If you are so dull-witted as to think the “modern world” is a fixed time and place... that the masses won’t be wearing, using and eating something even more disturbingly “modern” as soon as some lisping genius designs it... it’s no wonder you are okay with flip-flops being your go-to foot attire for every occasion. It’s not about comfort, it’s about courtesy and respect. If the orchestra is donned in tuxedo and gown, the least you can do is show up in a respectable shirt!
They tell us it’s all about comfort.
Comfort!? For some of you this is an excuse to side-step the reality that you are too damned fat! That’s right. Not pleasantly plump, chubby or zoftig.... fatty!
Comfort? A way of avoiding the probability that your mirror and scale are not lying. That you are ill mannered, devoid of class and clue. Schlumps.
Comfort? Today’s rationalization for laziness.
And, perhaps worst of all, comfort, along with biblical-length beards, poor communication skills and leeching on employed society to avoid having to work are your pathetic attempts at social defiance.
The Post writer went on to say she was able to find proper, good-looking attire fitting special occasions at discount stores, so, expense is hardly a viable excuse for tacky toggery.
The more humans crowd into cities and large towns, the lower falls our cultural common denominator. Not just for dress, but for everything. Poorly educated, lazy people gravitate to the lowest form of anything. Crafty fashion designers and retailers see what’s on the mean streets, create new lines of sartorial shame; and dumb, lazy losers make them richer on somebody else’s dime.
Defiance!? How else is it possible to explain why fools wear baseball caps the way they do? Visor on side. Visor in back. Goofy size visors. Goofy shaped visors. Visors up. Visors down. In defiance of tradition (not to mention common sense... like, um, keeping the sun out of your eyes?) Defiance has long been celebrated by the pop fashion industry through provocative ads, billboards and tv spots aimed at priming youth’s basic instincts. It works every time.
Beanie defiance. It wasn’t invented in your “modern world” either. The first time I can recall seeing a billed cap worn other than normally was back in the 1950’s when the Amos ‘N Andy tv show character Lightnin’ (Nick Odemus) – playing a poor, step-n-fetch-it, lovable homey, wore his hat that way in every episode. Lightnin’ was no defiant character. But it wasn’t long before wearing cap visors to the side or to the back became a symbol of black defiance. If you wear the visor to keep the sun out of your eyes, you are obviously a honky throw-back living in the ‘50s.
Tattoos and body piercing.
It’s not exactly the same reason lazy people can’t spell, can’t write an intelligent sentence, gobble slop with gigantic drinks, and love cheesy reality shows and flip-flops. But these reasons are all part of the intersection of over-population and etiquette.
So let’s analyze. What would you estimate the percentage of stupid, lazy people is in “the modern world?” 10%? 20%? 30%!? Okay, let’s compromise. Say 20%. How about people who are off-the-beam – you know – along the lines of today’s entertainers and politicians? Another 10%. How about liars, cheaters, weirdos, culprits, wrongdoers, malefactors, offenders, villains, lawbreakers, evildoers, delinquents, hoodlums, pervs, dopers, reprobates and flat-out criminals of one kind or another? Maybe 15% more? How about non-educable? 10%?
So roughly 55% of the world’s population is either stupid, lazy, crazy, liar, cheater, weirdo, culprit, wrongdoer, malefactor, offender, villain, lawbreaker, evildoer, delinquents, hoodlum, perv, reprobate and flat-out criminal of one kind or another. Let’s say 50% because some dopes fit in more than one category.
There are about 7,000,000,000 people in this world today. Ergo, 3,500,000,000 of them are either stupid, lazy, crazy, liar, cheater, weirdo, non-educable, culprit, wrongdoer, malefactor, offender, villain, lawbreaker, evildoer, delinquent, hoodlum, perv, reprobate and/or flat-out criminal of one kind or another.
Three billion, five-hundred million miscreants!
And you expect things to get better?
Look around you for God’s sake! Tatts. Piercing. Hair in all colors of the rainbow. Flip-flops, bejeweled as they may be. Horrible noise they try to pass off as “music.” Zombies in thrall to their hand-held devices. Many who hate their own country. They are your neighbors, members of your family, your friends, your elected officials, your bosses, your co-workers; they are everywhere. There is at least a 50% chance one of them is you. Now are you going to tell me the world will be any better with the additional two billion people they tell us we are soon to add?
It’s cut and dried. There are too many people on this planet. We have reached critical mass. It doesn’t work anymore. It’s becoming increasingly a ubiquitous grey Third World, spotted with a couple of trillionaires who got wealthy serving up the next garish fad for the defiant dead.
Item: Recent article by a New York Post on-line fashion critic decrying the way people dress nowadays.
These seemingly disparate subjects correlate.
As criticisms go, this fashion critique was fairly mild. Its readers’ comments were far less so.
The nerve of this woman! – they lambasted this critic – to suggest that people shouldn’t feel good about dressing down! She is, to their way of thinking, an elitist. A throw-back. Why, this is the modern world, they reminded her; and slobs can dress any way we like.
But if I can avoid a fool who looks, speaks and acts like a slob, I consider I have avoided the human equivalent of an auto wreck. Painful experience has taught me a slob will not enrich, elevate or ennoble anyone’s life here on this Earth. Which is why I essentially agree with the Post writer.
Oh, I know the old axiom; you can’t judge a book by its cover. Sometimes it’s true. Mostly it’s not.
“Casual Friday,” having broken down the traditional barriers to casual attire in non-casual situations, our “modern” culture is doing its victory laps in flip-flops. Hell, Post article commenters suggest, if they want to attend a Broadway show, or a concert or the opera or maybe even their Aunt Bessie’s funeral in baggy shorts, smudgy cotton tees and clackety flip-flops, well that’s their Constitutional right. One commenter went so far as to say how dare this critic try to drag us back into the 1950s, when people actually had dress codes and etiquette.
Before gold lamé capes and blubber began appearing in his concerts, Elvis wore a sport coat, white shirt and tie. The Beatles came to America wearing black suits, white shirts and ties. Okay, the pants were pegged. Then the mid-to-late ‘60s Woodstock generation came upon us like a tsunami of BO and DNA. John Lennon put on a pair of creepy Strangelove sunglasses, sought out the Maharishi to help him meditate on yellow submarines, bored the shit out of real Beatles fans by his and George’s infernal sitar buzzing, hung out with a skinny Marxist chick from another dimension, posed and gave interviews nude in bed, beat down the Beatles, and that was that. In the end, Ringo turns out to be the shining Starr.
Today, we are told comfort trumps etiquette. Another group of commenters, completely missing the critic’s point, asserted; we are paying the symphonic performers to perform, not to judge our attire. This, they announced, is the “modern world.” And that’s where these two items – over-population and etiquette – intersect.
The modern world? News flash: people in the 15th Century thought they lived in the modern world. DaVinci and Machiavelli didn’t wear flip-flops. Folks in the Victorian Era thought they were living in the modern world. Ever see pics of Florence Nightingale’s “casual” attire? In the 1920s and 30s your great grandmother thought she lived in the modern world. The only thing that flipped and flopped in her day was the stock market. If you are so dull-witted as to think the “modern world” is a fixed time and place... that the masses won’t be wearing, using and eating something even more disturbingly “modern” as soon as some lisping genius designs it... it’s no wonder you are okay with flip-flops being your go-to foot attire for every occasion. It’s not about comfort, it’s about courtesy and respect. If the orchestra is donned in tuxedo and gown, the least you can do is show up in a respectable shirt!
They tell us it’s all about comfort.
Comfort!? For some of you this is an excuse to side-step the reality that you are too damned fat! That’s right. Not pleasantly plump, chubby or zoftig.... fatty!
Comfort? A way of avoiding the probability that your mirror and scale are not lying. That you are ill mannered, devoid of class and clue. Schlumps.
Comfort? Today’s rationalization for laziness.
And, perhaps worst of all, comfort, along with biblical-length beards, poor communication skills and leeching on employed society to avoid having to work are your pathetic attempts at social defiance.
The Post writer went on to say she was able to find proper, good-looking attire fitting special occasions at discount stores, so, expense is hardly a viable excuse for tacky toggery.
The more humans crowd into cities and large towns, the lower falls our cultural common denominator. Not just for dress, but for everything. Poorly educated, lazy people gravitate to the lowest form of anything. Crafty fashion designers and retailers see what’s on the mean streets, create new lines of sartorial shame; and dumb, lazy losers make them richer on somebody else’s dime.
Defiance!? How else is it possible to explain why fools wear baseball caps the way they do? Visor on side. Visor in back. Goofy size visors. Goofy shaped visors. Visors up. Visors down. In defiance of tradition (not to mention common sense... like, um, keeping the sun out of your eyes?) Defiance has long been celebrated by the pop fashion industry through provocative ads, billboards and tv spots aimed at priming youth’s basic instincts. It works every time.
Beanie defiance. It wasn’t invented in your “modern world” either. The first time I can recall seeing a billed cap worn other than normally was back in the 1950’s when the Amos ‘N Andy tv show character Lightnin’ (Nick Odemus) – playing a poor, step-n-fetch-it, lovable homey, wore his hat that way in every episode. Lightnin’ was no defiant character. But it wasn’t long before wearing cap visors to the side or to the back became a symbol of black defiance. If you wear the visor to keep the sun out of your eyes, you are obviously a honky throw-back living in the ‘50s.
Tattoos and body piercing.
It’s not exactly the same reason lazy people can’t spell, can’t write an intelligent sentence, gobble slop with gigantic drinks, and love cheesy reality shows and flip-flops. But these reasons are all part of the intersection of over-population and etiquette.
So let’s analyze. What would you estimate the percentage of stupid, lazy people is in “the modern world?” 10%? 20%? 30%!? Okay, let’s compromise. Say 20%. How about people who are off-the-beam – you know – along the lines of today’s entertainers and politicians? Another 10%. How about liars, cheaters, weirdos, culprits, wrongdoers, malefactors, offenders, villains, lawbreakers, evildoers, delinquents, hoodlums, pervs, dopers, reprobates and flat-out criminals of one kind or another? Maybe 15% more? How about non-educable? 10%?
So roughly 55% of the world’s population is either stupid, lazy, crazy, liar, cheater, weirdo, culprit, wrongdoer, malefactor, offender, villain, lawbreaker, evildoer, delinquents, hoodlum, perv, reprobate and flat-out criminal of one kind or another. Let’s say 50% because some dopes fit in more than one category.
There are about 7,000,000,000 people in this world today. Ergo, 3,500,000,000 of them are either stupid, lazy, crazy, liar, cheater, weirdo, non-educable, culprit, wrongdoer, malefactor, offender, villain, lawbreaker, evildoer, delinquent, hoodlum, perv, reprobate and/or flat-out criminal of one kind or another.
Three billion, five-hundred million miscreants!
And you expect things to get better?
Look around you for God’s sake! Tatts. Piercing. Hair in all colors of the rainbow. Flip-flops, bejeweled as they may be. Horrible noise they try to pass off as “music.” Zombies in thrall to their hand-held devices. Many who hate their own country. They are your neighbors, members of your family, your friends, your elected officials, your bosses, your co-workers; they are everywhere. There is at least a 50% chance one of them is you. Now are you going to tell me the world will be any better with the additional two billion people they tell us we are soon to add?
It’s cut and dried. There are too many people on this planet. We have reached critical mass. It doesn’t work anymore. It’s becoming increasingly a ubiquitous grey Third World, spotted with a couple of trillionaires who got wealthy serving up the next garish fad for the defiant dead.

“We’ll keep bashing the dead White males,
and the live
ones, and the females too,
until the social construct known as
the White
race is destroyed.
Not deconstructed, but destroyed.”
~Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor
Be honest: do you think there is any non-white group today which secretly or openly wouldn’t like to stick it to Whitey? Need a hint? Can you recall which black leader wants volunteers to murder the white “devils?”
Let’s be clear: it isn’t America which fires the enmity of hundreds of millions around the world; it is white America. Let’s just call him Whitey. And let’s be crystal clear; it isn’t just skin color which makes Whitey – it’s his politics and culture. Many clear-headed browns and blacks who adopt conservative ways are considered Oreos – the dreaded Whitey – by many of their own race.
A huge chunk of the world’s population continues to swarm across America’s borders. Obviously, they don’t hate America. But many refuse to adopt America’s traditions, preferring to inculcate the very cultures they ran away from! It’s pretty clear they’d prefer to live in an America free of Whitey’s traditions and influence. They’d like it even better if Whitey would turn over all his treasure before taking a hike.
The International Stick-It-To-Whitey-America Movement has so infected our politics that even many of America’s liberal whites seem to feel embarrassed to be white. They seem intent on portraying Whitey as the genesis of every problem throughout history. They perpetuate the image of Whitey as gun-loving redneck doofuses who still believe in their silly ol’ God, salute Ol’ Glory, eat red meat, like baseball and rodeo, and happily breathe in big block V8 exhaust emissions. Perhaps worst of all, Whitey believes in carrying his own weight, and supports the U.S. military.
Birth rates for whites around the world have dropped significantly over the last half century for several reasons, among which is an awareness of a grossly over-crowded world. On the other hand –or some other body part– non-white birth rates are still high and in many cases growing higher. This is most apparent in the world’s poorer populations. We accept that for many of the poorest lands, children are among their only joys in life, and in some traditions support their aging parents. The net result is fewer children growing up with Whitey’s carry-your-own-weight traditions, and more growing up with their hands out.
It’s worth thinking about this: perhaps if you are black or brown and grow up in the inner city, and all you ever see in your neighborhoods are your brothers and sisters, you might think that you are the majority in America. Up till a few years ago, you might have thought How come after all these years we never elected one of our own kind to run America? Don’t we count!? Then, by gosh, one day with the huge help of Whitey, one of your black brothers is elected president!
But after eight years with an African-American president, you think Why am I still in the same place? He promised me “hope and change.” How come I’m not a lot better off? After all, the president looks just like me. After more than a century and a half since the Civil War, with all the marches and riots and Court actions, what did this president do for blacks or browns? Not much for America’s inner cities. Ask the residents of Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore. He did even less for America’s middle class blacks and whites. He took your hopes and dashed them –played on your emotions– in the process turning race relations even more bitter than most of us older folks remember in our lifetimes.
Does Whitey hate all those who hate him? I remind you that Whitey was instrumental in electing a black president.
Certainly, Whites are wary of those who hate him. Though it may not exactly be Christian, the normal human reaction is not to embrace those who hate you. Oh, not that there aren’t white supremacist groups around the nation. We are told there has been a rise in the number of these in recent years, perhaps in response to the rise of overt anti-white sentiment. You doubt? Perhaps you have not been paying attention to the news lately, and at minimum you aren’t reading between the lines.
Anti-police sentiment is nothing more than the eruption of hatred for Whitey –regardless of the ratio of whites to blacks and browns in the nation’s law enforcement agencies, African-American communities consider all police forces to be White police forces– and the haters only seem to see what they consider Whitey’s unreasonably weird demand for simple law and order.
From where does this irrational anger towards Whitey stem? When ancient hatreds are passed along generation after generation they become ingrained in the culture of the hater. Soon it’s a case of “everybody knows Whitey is the devil.” This hatred unites heretofore divided tribes. Lord knows how many African-Americans distrust Whitey because since childhood they have heard the incessant liberal drumbeat of how Whitey brought their ancestors here as slaves. Never mind that black Africans captured those very slaves in the first place, never mind that many blacks in America owned slaves, never mind that many Whities were slaves, or that Abraham Lincoln was a Whitey.
No slack is cut for Whitey for the three-quarters of a million who lost their lives, and so many more who were grievously injured in the effort to free those very slaves in America’s Civil War. For over a hundred years, Whitey has invested his treasure trying to bring about equality for African-Americans. After all these great efforts, when finally a non-white is elected to the highest office in the land, the hate Whitey movement comes once again to a boil. For the racial grievance industry, there is no profit in slack cutting.
Mexicans want to stick it to Whitey because, according to their racial mythology, their ancestors’ lands were stolen by Whitey. Native-Americans have their own good reasons for sticking it to Whitey. Some, many, or all of these reasons may have been understandable in earlier times. But now, the hatred is simply a tribal marker: if you don’t hate Whitey, you are not an “authentic” tribesman.
Rather than fix the corruption of their own nations, most rich in resources and history, many flock to America because of her freedoms. Once here, rather than embrace her traditions, they attempt to change America into the corrupt non-white nations they fled.
All this is brought to focus on Whitey through the lens of Political Correctness, a leftist tool created for this very purpose, and one which is remarkably effective when used against overly sensitive Whitey. Proselytized by hard-left educators, PC is designed to work over generations. By instilling PC in our younger generations –through a “progressive” education system– youngsters are indoctrinated into the progressive-secular world and accept it as “normal” when they become adults. You know, the warm and fuzzy “they-are-people-just-like-you” sentiment. As if we don’t know they are people.
The older generation shakes its head as many of the younger generation seem to accept these notions unchallenged. Even elementary school students come home to lecture their own parents about the evils of “acting white.” PC Comrades hope eventually to eradicate every shred of conservatism, every tradition Whitey spent his dearest blood to uphold. Which is why PC Komrades slowly erase them from our history books. PC ostracizes traditionalism so, not with a bang but with a whimper, it dies out as an acceptable national sentiment. If Whitey is not sufficiently submissive to the lopsided values imposed by PC Komrades he is branded a racist, or some other equally reprehensible tag. This is where we are today.
Conservatism resides primarily, though not exclusively, in Whitey. As long as big dollars flow its way, our liberal media and entertainment industries don’t seem to mind being used as tools by the Marxist-secular-progressive movement... Stalin’s “useful Idiots.” If the mission is accomplished, if Traditional White America is relegated to obscurity, the International Marxists will turn on these useful idiots, cannibalizing them. New York Times libs, and Progressives on our university faculties will be the most shocked, of course, when the Movement inevitably turns on them.
U.S. Whities are despised by their neighbor south of the border; by Central America, South America, and judging by their condescending media, perhaps even majority white Canada. He is held in contempt by much of Europe; France, Spain, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, and Scandinavia. Perhaps you are too young to remember “The Ugly American.” He is in the cross-hairs of nations: China and the entire Muslim world. Arabians, Persians, Egyptians, Pakistanis, most of Africa, Indonesia, Pakistan, North Korea are anxious to dispose of him. Worse, Whitey is hated at home, in America’s big cities and in many States with large non-white populations. To much of the world, Whitey is a pariah, tolerated only because, in its heart, the Stick It To Whitey Movement knows it needs Whitey, if only for its own benefit.
What has Whitey done to bring such storms of vitriol upon himself? Invented the very means of his own destruction? Science. Medicine. Cars, trucks, planes, trains, ships, and container shipping. Printing, newspapers, magazines, movies and tv. Phones, computers, and electronic devices of all kinds. In short modern civilization. All the things enjoyed by those who hate him, and employed by those actively involved in an attempt to subdue or eradicate him.
But all these are nothing compared to Whitey’s most dangerous invention: the creation of a free nation. A nation which insists all its citizens are to be treated equally, that all have the right to freely express their ideas, no matter how anti-establishment those ideas may be. Whitey also invented his own doomsday device: the legal right of anyone, for any concocted reason, to bring suit against Whitey, to be adjudicated in a court system where liberal judges can be shopped for.
Our elected officials fail, because of their refusal to see anything beyond ideology, to absorb the lessons of ancient Greece and Rome: unless freedom is balanced by fiscal and moral responsibility, failure is guaranteed. Bread and Circuses benefit its leaders but corrupt a nation’s health. As we have recently seen on our urban streets, a nation can quickly deteriorate into chaos, perhaps one day beyond its ability to recover.
America’s traditions are symbolized in its tri-color flag. Recall some on-the-record Obama quotes such as “There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression” ...“It’s my intention to disarm America” ...“Change is about to overwhelm The United States of America.”
Today, Whitey America is well on its way to being outnumbered, which means out-voted. Democratic White leaders know this, and in their own desperate attempt to survive, in what many consider treachery, have abandoned their own kind, justifying their action by adopting PC policies for votes. Corporate leaders, searching for greater profits, turn away from the very nation upon which their corporate success was built.
Our new president clearly understands this dynamic. Unless he delivers on many of his promises, America’s future is doomed to ignoble mediocrity. Let us pray that he is a wise leader more eager to restore America’s hard-earned greatness – and the welfare of every American, regardless of their background – than to bow to racist notions of “white privilege” and “restorative justice.”
White America, there is no privilege inherent in your skin color, but there is no sin in having pride in the many marvels your race has achieved for the technical, social and cultural advancement of the human race.
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