

Why on Earth would those from other nations seemingly be willing to jump through hoops, swim across alligator-filled moats and walk across red-hot coals to sneak into to a country as terrible as the Left claims America is?

According to those on the Left, our pioneers “stole” the nation from “native Americans” and Mexico, and continue to repress those “victims” to this very day. They would have us believe America was built solely by the sweat of black slaves, and to one degree or another white Americans are racists, homophobes, xenophobes and misogynists who fear and mistrust anyone not like them. Which is how the grievance industry, peculiar to the Left, builds its coalition of “victims” – the prey of evil (and they are quick to add; “white”) America. America’s “white devils.”

Let us, the Left suggests, muck up the goodness of America; even the slightest good which its peoples may have done in over hundreds of years of history must be revised in the education system’s literature: spun into a false fabric of hatred aimed at the very people it may have tried to help. Let us profess her evils from every lecturn. And if and when we cannot find some actual evil, we shall manufacture it. We hereby declare America has single-handedly destroyed the Earth’s atmosphere and ice caps, enlisting our “progressive” branches of science to show evidence of the sins. Let us commission a Leftist sculptor to redesign the Statue of Liberty. Perhaps with hands cuffed, re-imaged as a cross-dresser in his gown, carrying now Mao’s “Little Red Book.” Perhaps a cracker holding up not a torch but a whip.

Is it any wonder that some can’t understand how Leftists can claim they love America when they are so dead-set on proving her a horrible creature of the white Christian? Can one “love” their horrible neighbors and the horrible neighborhood in which they live? Thus America’s Mayor, Rudy Giuliani wonders how President Obama can possibly love America when the President seems to share these negative views of the nation, and expresses his disdain in virtually every speech he delivers, especially when intended for overseas audiences.

Giuliani asks a fair question; how can President Obama love a country he denigrates so often? Well, his supporters say, no nation is perfect. Now there’s a news flash. Our Constitution does not guarantee The United States of America is, or ever will be, a perfect union. It simply guarantees, through laws and rights, that all Americans shall be afforded the opportunity to strive for perfection as an individual, not subject to a monarch’s whims. 

It would seem our President must either be faking his love for America, or for purely cynical political reasons pretending a disdain for the very nation which elected him to its highest office! Either way, his is the way of a poseur. He appears to be romancing the creed of the Left while insisting those of a mind with Giuliani are expressing the paranoia of that evil white America. But rather than considering this puzzle of ideological logic, because the President’s speeches are on video tape and thus irrefutable, the Left attacks the “poor”, the “sad,” the privileged white “cracker” mayor. Even America’s Mayor is not allowed to question the emperor’s transparent clothes.

For you readers outside America, Leftist political modus operandi in America is simple. Far Leftist Democrats good. Conservatives evil. No matter the awful carnage of truth and trust, we must promote (via liberal media) and protect (via the court and DOJ) our fellow Leftists; meanwhile divert and obfuscate by accusing those on the Right of everything from warring on women to warring on foreign nations in order to pay back its wealthy donors.

Even liberal politicians apparently have lost what faith they may have had in the goodness of America. Lost belief in the goodness of their constituents. The Left trashes the sacrifices of those who shed their blood for the Left’s own freedoms. They disregard American’s willingness to help those in need, and have shorn our good deeds of any meaning, merit, or blessings. 

No wonder America’s Left looks at those who would jump through hoops, swim across alligator-filled moats and walk across red-hot coals to become American, and sees not those yearning for freedom and opportunity. In the height of political cynicism, they see nothing more than perpetual votes.

A democratic republic perpetually dominated by Leftist ideology is nothing more than the nom de plume of a repressive monarchy. And a would-be king who reigns for four years at a time.