Does anyone actually believe that had the President and his State Department negotiated a perfect deal, favoring the United States on every point, that Iran would live up to its part of the bargain?
On the other hand, does anyone
actually believe that now that the President and his State Department have capitulated on virtually every point of the bargain, that Iran will even now live up to its part of the bargain?
Of course not. No matter how the negotiated deal ends up, Iran will simply continue on its path to getting a nuclear bomb, inventing ridiculous excuses for every transgression. All of this “deal negotiating” is just a stalling tactic benefiting both parties. For Iran, it has allowed them to get closer by the week to their goal: a bomb with which to obliterate – or at least threaten and hold for ransom – the “Little Satans,” Israel, Rome, and then the “Big Satan,” America.
Did UN or world condemnation of Iran’s nuclear dreams have any effect on its leadership? No.
Did economic sanctions on Iran have any effect on its leadership and their pursuit of the bomb? No. But it was successful in hurting the Iranian people enough that they gathered around their leaders, shouting “Death to Israel!” “Death to America!”
On the other side of the table, President Obama takes victory laps for a deal in which his nation and its allies got nothing. Or perhaps it’s his close adviser, Iran Maiden Jarret, who is doing the lapping. Somehow, by unknown means, the Administration manages to intimidate Congress to the point they go along with every action he demands – each of which somehow does more harm than good to America.
None of this is by accident. It is all by the playbook. Soften up the American people, create dependency on government, create dissent and chaos at every turn, pit Americans against one another.
Obama believes his “legacy” will include an historic accord with Iran. Perhaps his legacy will also include bringing our nation to its knees. He fancies himself a thinker, not a fighter. He hopes to avoid any meaningful military action during his last year in office, leaving our next president, whoever he or she might be, holding the bag; agonizing over whether or not to authorize the use of severe military action. Knowing that ultimately he or she will be blamed for negating all the “good” Obama did to “save the world from nuclear holocaust.”
In the end, mankind never learns; history repeats itself – but as weapons grow more destructive – each repetition fills graves faster. Iran’s leaders will only be affected, just as all the world’s tyrants have ever been, either by overwhelming economic deprivation or overwhelming force. Given the weak knees in Europe, and the connivers to the east, the former is not very likely to happen.
So, in the end, all this posturing by our President and his cuckold minions means nothing. Iran will do what its Persian soul dictates. And, if there remain any American leaders who still believe in their Constitutionally sworn duty to protect their nation from enemies foreign and domestic, America will be forced to do what it has to do.
The fine points of this nuclear deal? To quote Hillary Clinton once again, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”