
America's Curse

There are many who believe America is cursed because of her past sins.

Some believe God cursed us because the earliest white settlers forced the native Americans off his land and confiscated the country for the settlers' own selfish uses.

Others believe the curse resulted from slavery.

There may be still others who feel cursed for reasons blurred by that most psychologically crippling device, the lens of politically-correct revisionary history.

I don't think there is any kind of curse. I think the problem is liberal thinking.

America, liberals tend to say, is always wrong. It's no matter what we do. Some call these people the America-Lasters. The Cindy Sheehans and Bill Moyerses and John Kerrys. If we respond to attacks on our country, we are being too hasty. Too aggressive. Not living up to the expectations of our friends, the French. The opportunistic French who planned to attack America from below the Mexican border after we were drained by the Civil War. You can thank Lincoln for saving us from that mess as well. If we don't respond to threats fast enough, we are asleep at the wheel. If we react to threats in just the perfect amount of time, we are still wrong because we didn't beg them for a permission slip first.

The worst of this liberal mentality is the never-ending attempt to gin up the pain of Native Americans and African-Americans, and more recently, Latin-Americans. Now there is no doubt that many of the things the early American settlers did were self-serving and many were morally wrong. But the way I see it, history on every continent and in every age is filled with injustices. Entire continents were overrun by barbarians and then reconquered and then lost again. Europeans seem to have no sense of guilt over this. Even the Germans are shedding their feelings of guilt over WWII. As long as there are three people on Earth, there will be arguments, fist-fights and maybe even killing.

So what should we do about these past transgressions? Of course the moral thing to do is fix what some of our ancestors may have broken. Make it better than it was. But I'm not sure a landscape dotted with casinos run by the once proud Indian Nations makes it better for any other Native Americans other than the few who run the casinos. Is creating a permanent underclass of poor black Americans, as we witnessed after Katrina hit New Orleans and the levees collapsed, making it better for black Americans? Is caving in to the infantile demands of the various Mexican movements, on the promise of a few more votes, making it better for the many fine Mexican-American citizens? Most of us know the answer to all these questions. No.

If Liberal politicians and others believe America is cursed, and they want to remove the curse, they must first acknowledge the simple truth. Bad things happened in the past. We can't change the past. But none of us alive today did any of these things, so there is no point in feeling guilty. Of course for some politicians guilt is the gift that never stops giving. It allows them to whip up a few more votes or stir up a controversy that will get them one more minute in tonight's newscast.

Liberals who feel guilty, who secretly wish for punishment in ignominious defeat for their own country have become a curse in and of themselves. They can't seem to ever feel positive about what their ancestors fought and died to create for us all. They can't seem to see the goodness about them in every big city and every small burg in this amazing country. We have all the resources we need to fix any problem we have in America. What we don't have is the leadership and the will. The will to say "No!" to the same old broken-down politics.

God, didn't curse America, He blessed America. Twist His blessing into a curse and you will surely be damned.