
This Ain't General Patton's America

Imagine if we had told General Patton and the brave men who risked their lives in WWII that the America they were fighting for would become thus:

An America where every sort of murderer, rapist, drug dealer and perv is entitled to be heard in a court of law. But God's Ten Commandments aren't.

A country where you can have your children taken away from you if you smoke when they're in the same room. But if a pervert rapes your six year old daughter for four years, he gets a slap on the wrist.

If you spank your child for doing something wrong, you can be charged with child abuse. But if you aid and abet a pervert who kidnaps, rapes, and then buries a little girl, oh... let's say in Florida... you get to walk away.

Kids can wear wicken make-up, devil-worship tattoos, metal bars through their ears, nose and tongue to school. But if a teacher wears a necklace with a cross on it, she loses her job.

Our European ancestors who came here legally through Ellis Island and other legal POE's couldn't get driver licenses or mortgages until and unless they were citizens. But 12 million people cross the Mexican-American border illegally and we want to give them licenses to drive, low interest mortgages, free medical care and the vote.

Don't teach schoolchildren how to use math. Teach them how to use condoms.

Neither Patton nor anyone he knew ever owned a slave, knew a slave, or even saw a slave. No one Patton ever knew or saw who was alive even back then ever was a slave. But we will be asked to pay reparations to them.

If you try to vote more than once in an election, you can be jailed. But if you are wealthy, you can buy as many votes as you can afford and become, oh... Governor of New Jersey or Mayor of New York City to mention a couple.

If you drive an SUV, you are a piggish gas-guzzler who Lefties like Arianna Huffington want to spit on. But the guy who doesn't speak English driving the even bigger and more gas-guzzling pick-up truck that's smoking heavily and doesn't have good brakes right next to you on the freeway is just a hard-working guy trying to support his family.

Ask the ACLU to represent a parent's right to keep their child on life support and the ACLU will run the other way. But they will fight to the death for the right of men to marry men, for men to have sex with little boys and teachers to have sex with their underage students.

Support gay marriage and you are considered a sophisticated Progressive. But support our troops in Iraq or anywhere else in harm's way, and you are a far Right wing yahoo.

You can't smoke in public places, but you can burn an American flag there if you like.

You'd better not have a home protection gun in your bedroom. But have all the vibrators, dildos, cameras and porn videos you like.

Had we told the good general these were some of the things we wanted him to fight for, I wonder if he wouldn't have shot us instead.