
The Noose Tightens Around Liberty’s Neck

 Originally posted in 2006, truer today:

For a long, long time now, I’ve had the sense that enemies of the U.S. have been quietly weaving a noose around Miss Liberty's neck, waiting for the right moment to kick that heavy base out from under her feet.

Make no mistake, America has more enemies than friends. They are all over the planet. Worse, many of them are Americans inside our own borders. Our enemies talk to one another. Perhaps our enemies outside the U.S. are guilty more of envy than hatred, but let’s not quibble, either one can visit terrible violence upon the object of their passion. Our enemies will have no hesitancy to do us in as soon as they feel they have drained us of everything we have. Our friends, with perhaps a couple of reluctant exceptions, will have no hesitancy to look the other way, trying to build their fortunes from our misfortune. And aside from bluster, our own people show little indication they are ready to do anything about the noose. Quite the contrary, our leadership, especially on the Left, seems all too eager to teach our enemies where to find a rope.

They encircle us in plain sight. Perhaps you are secure in your feeling that our government sees what’s going on and has its eye on the ball. Has it not occurred to you yet that even our leaders live in the illusion that America is invincible? Our enemies have learned our elemental weakness. They know the U.S. is like a giant old-fashioned overweight battleship. Once underway and steered in the right direction, there’s no stopping it. But because of events such as 9-11, our enemies have learned how long it takes to get this battleship underway and steered on the right course. How long it takes to load her cannons. They know if they can strike in a hundred different ways and places all at the same time, our clueless leaders will be so hysterical, shell-shocked and confused they won’t know which way to steer the ship.

China gains footholds in Panama, Canada and even our western ports. In echoes of the Cuban missile crisis, we hear about nuclear-hungry Iran cozying up to Cuba, a mere 90 miles south of Florida. Millions of illegals have flooded in through our southern border. Gangs of illegals have infected every big city. More slip into the U.S. every day, caught and released, and our brilliant Dept of Homeland Security claims they don’t know where they are now, and the Justice Department doesn’t seem to have time to prosecute any of them for anything.

Russia feeds heavy weaponry to rogue nations and has its eye on the Aleutian Islands. The UN plots against us at every turn. The EU sharpens its financial claws. North Korea, ha! Venezuela threatens to starve us of oil. Many countries continue to flood our ignorant population with mind-numbing drugs. India slowly assumes many of our our financial services. China absorbed most of our industrial capabilities while stealing our precious secrets, increasing its military and space capabilities, and threatens to knock the dollar off its world-wide pedestal in favor of its own currency. Japan challenges our steel industries. Iran threatens to hand out nukes to all who hate us. And now we have the United Arab Emirates making bids to "operate" our ports on the East Coast. And your government, the Dept. of Homeland Security, which you believe is protecting you... well... this suicidal government, says hey, it’s just fine!

None of this is just fine. It’s decline. Do you understand decline? The Romans learned the hard way. It means the end of this way of life you and your ancestors have bled, sweated and cried so long and hard to realize.

Or maybe a cyber attack to cripple our entire system. Or maybe an EMP brought down upon us by foreign satellites weaponized right before our eyes, and even with our technology. Or maybe collapsing our economy. Or maybe our own secret armies within the U.S. are ordered to turn on us. Or maybe our savings are confiscated by the government. Or maybe any one of a hundred other things. Who the hell knows. “Death by a thousand cuts.” Check and mate. Game over. That’s all she wrote. The fat lady sings.

But what reason could there possibly be for the people of the greatest nation in history to embrace its own decline?

a) Ennui? We’ve had it so good for so long that something inside us yearns for it to end? Perhaps this is the reason some hard-core liberals no longer want to defend their own culture. But, no, this can’t account for everything that’s happening.

b) Asleep at the switch? Well, after seeing how our brilliant National Security Team takes its lead from Inspector Clouseau... almost always wrong about everything... I suppose there’s some element of this at work here. Perhaps the CIA missed the part in Clouseau’s "Pink Panther" movies where despite his clumsiness, the inspector always comes out the hero in the end.

c) Treason for money? Good God, this is the worst possibility but, sadly, plausible. There are powerful people who fight to control our destiny, people who call themselves Americans but who are not really “American”... people who think of themselves above all that flag-waving trash... who for profit will blindfold and walk their own countrymen to the gallow’s pole.

d) Some outside force acting upon us all? The Illuminati? The Bilderbergers? Aliens from another Galaxy? An angry God... One who feels He has been rejected in the land He blessed?

I don’t know, maybe there are other reasons I am not aware of. But what I do see are liberals so self-loathing they would gladly help tighten the noose if it would free them from guilt. Or help them get rich. I see giant corporations willing to look the other way while others tighten the noose just so they can add one more piece of Judas’ silver to their coffers.

I don’t see any third party coming to our rescue either. Do you ever feel like it’s getting harder to trust anything with “Federal” or “National” or “Agency” attached to its name? Do you ever feel no matter which governmental entity you look at, you see blank, soulless eyes staring back at you? Some may call this paranoia. Call it what you want. But if you calculate by major world news events, watch what is actually happening, not allowing yourself to be distracted by sideshows or “entertainment,” or sports, or any of this era’s seducing distractions, you must... must... feel the rough hemp fibers slipping over your head, prickling on your tender neck. Tightening just a bit more every so often.

In my lifetime it’s happened more than once. Pearl Harbor. Nobody believed it would happen. 9/11. Nobody believed it could happen. Are we going to get caught yet again playing with ourselves? Maybe next time it won’t be a local tragedy. Maybe next time it will be a national cataclysm. Maybe the collapse of a great nation. The nightmarish sound of Miss Liberty choking should awaken us to the very real danger. Freedom is costly. Are we willing to pay the price?