
America's Dirty Secret

We went halfway across the world to Afghanistan to disenfranchise the Taliban, meanwhile we look the other way and allow a kind of Taliban to grow and thrive right in our own backyards. A festering infection here in America which rarely gets mentioned by those in government, a canker sore which never gets better, and can only get worse: the metastacizing of violent gangs in our cities. The kind of gangs we have today makes the Sopranos look like a Sunday afternoon at Bay Hill Country Club.

Violent gangs now run large sectors of our cities just like the armed and defiant gangs in Afghanistan and Iraq. They carry weapons in their vehicles and won't hesitate to use them if provoked. This outlaw culture has metastacized, due not in small degree to our prison system, to every nook and cranny in America. The prison system is a breeding ground, converting angry gang members into home-grown anti-American jihadists.

There is concern that when the war in Iraq winds down and many of our military and equipment return home, someone in the National Guard with gang connections will make it possible for local gangs to break into their armories and steal heavier weapons than they can get elsewhere. It's happened before.

You don't hear much about the vast network of gangs and their international connections because, frankly, the local police have been intimidated, along with local governments and the citizenry in this environment. Like so many other slippery slopes we have slid down in recent decades, our young people have "accepted" gangs as just another colorful patch in the vast cultural tapestry which is modern day America. But unlike benign segments of our culture, gangs rule their turf with threats and bullets. They are aided and abetted by the now vast and increasingly wealthy "gangsta" industry with its culture of death, drugs and debauchery, and a network of Marxist revolutionary lawyers who see gangs as convenient flesh and blood tools to be exploited for their own anti-American goals. These lawless lawyer traitors know most Americans will shrink back from their charges of "racism." But who is really the racist?

Our ignorant young white sons and daughters support this culture by pouring millions of someone's hard-earned dollars into the dehumanizing product of the gangsta industry; rap "music" (it's an insult to every great singer of the past to use the word "music" in describing this irritating noise) which promotes violence, hatred for "the man" and the PO-leece, dehumanizes women, spreads a style of "fashion" and language worthy of some bizarre jungle nightmare movie, and glorifies death and the drug culture for our youth. With this inflow of your money, they buy lawyers, politicians, cops, judges and anybody else needed to maintain control of their turf. They intimidate witnesses to their crimes, threaten jury members with death, bilk business owners, frighten cops on the beat, charm cowardly newspaper people, and terrorize any poor soul unfortunate enough to live inside their turf.

This consortium of goons and culture-makers has become mighty. Do you expect one day soon it may feel it has enough members, enough connections and enough firepower to challenge the system it hates to the core? Without hatred and violence, these people have no way of luring youngsters into their way of life. In many ways it is already anarchy. Just as we have seen it happen in Paris, they can easily visit chaos on the streets of every city in America. In the view of secular-progressive Marxist America it would be a revolution to undo the one that old caucasian George Washington and his men pulled off in the 1770's.

On a parallel track, what in hell do we really think millions of illegal immigrants from south of the border are coming here for? They have made it clear enough, haven't they? All you need do is listen to what they say. They intend to reclaim the Southwest of America. And does our government take them seriously? You tell me. With the help of radicalized jihadists flooding in from outside America and sympathizers being released from prisons inside America, it's only a matter of time before they assert their "independence." It's likely to start in Los Angeles or one of the other immigrant-sanctuary cities of the Southwest. And if it isn't put down quickly, it will spread like wildfire.

I personally experienced it happen in Newark, NJ, and years later, in Los Angeles. We and our govern-merde may once again look up in shock as our cities burn and explode in a Paris-like reign of terror never before witnessed in this land. Because this time, our police departments and state troopers and FBI will be vastly outnumbered and outgunned. Our State governors will be too spineless to call out the National Guard, preferring, like the governor of Louisiana, to waste precious hours hiding under her desk and wait for the Feds to do something, then blame Washington DC for taking too long.

This is a catastrophe that could collapse America like the Trade Towers. Is our Department of Homeland Security prepared for Mad Max? Rolls of plastic and duct tape ain't gonna cut it, fellas.

Perhaps if we had a King for awhile. A courageous king would take care of the problem now. He'd call out the National Guard and his Federal forces. He'd suspend the Constitution in gang-infested cities. He'd roll into the bad neighborhoods in one city, maybe Los Angeles to start, and here's what the rules of engagement would be - fasten your seatbelt, you won't like them. There are no rules. Shoot to kill, on sight, any males who look like gang members. That's it, they just have to look like gang members - you know - tatoos, shaved heads, undershirts, baggy pants, stupid hats - all that "fool fashion." No questions asked. Too bad if "innocents" get killed by mistake. They will have had warning and if they persist in staying in the kill zone, let God pity them, the king won't. The king would crush the gangs' armed vehicles with his heavy tanks. His men would break down the doors of gang houses - no warrants neccesary because the poor neighbors who have been terrorized for so long will finally have their revenge - they will rat on the devil. The Guard will search these homes for drugs, weapons and other paraphernalia of this culture and if they find it, they will summarily execute those in that house. The Guard will bring in large trucks, fill them with the bodies, and dump, burn and bury them deep in the desert, preferably right on the southern border with Mexico so all on the other side of the border can see it plain as day. The king is shrewd. He knows you wouldn't have to build a fence at the border after that. In fact, the flood of illegal gang members pouring back down to Mexico would overrun any fence at that point. They would find even Mexico preferable to an awakened America. Let the Federalis deal with the problem.

If Middle-Eastern terrorists being housed by gangs should be caught in the action, the king would have them castrated and ship their parts back to the rulers of the countries from whence they came. Message sent.

Non-combatant females swept up in the police action would be sent to a large internment camp, the "Prison for Ignorant Girls" (PIGS) where they would remain until they learned how to speak, dress and behave like civilized women.

Any mayor, city council member or congressman who begins to whine and object would be invited by the king to rethink his or her attitude or join their constituents in the desert.

Any lawyer or organization, such as the ACLU, which threatens to sue on behalf of the gangs, or who tries to get an injunction to stop the king's action would be hanged from Freeway overpasses in his or her home town. While there would undoubtedly be many who cheer and throw stones at the twitching bodies, this will be discouraged, as the king would feel it too crass for these sober circumstances.

The revolution would be over fairly quickly I should think. Oh, gangs and all their sordid activities would soon start up again, but it would be a hundred years before it became a serious threat again.

A horrible way to deal with a terrible problem, you say? Sounds like something China or Russia or Iraq might do, you object? If things get this to point, it's the ONLY way. Nothing else will solve the problem. Kinder, gentler approaches will simply postpone the problem. And since kinder, gentler techniques generally involve the giving away of large quantities of cash to quiet the savage breasts, it will surely bankrupt our already bankrupt treasury. Our king would be too shrewd to go for this.

Sooner or later, something like this will happen in America. It will have to happen. Decent Americans can be pushed just so far, and we are reaching that point. Look in the mirror of your soul. Are you more afraid of Bin Laden and terrorists from the Middle East, or of terrorist gangs infesting your own city? Do you avert your gaze from angry young men riding in the car next to you on the highway, or stopped in the city at a red light, for fear one wrong blink of your eye might result in a very ugly confrontation? How fed up are you mature folks with this hoodoo gangsta culture, its filthy language, grotesque sexuality, and this whole God damned mess in our own backyard?

We need a courageous king for six months. Any nominations?