
Where Were You When America Died?

This day finds me so angry I'm not sure I can write anything that makes sense. I am so pissed off I want to scream.

I find myself in rare agreement with Norman Mailer who today said two important things. He said Americans can only keep our democracy if each generation gets smarter. But, he observed, Americans have so incredibly dumbed themselves down that more than half of America qualifies as morons. Secondly, he reminded us that no democracy in history has survived for more than a couple of hundred years or so. They inevitably turn into totalitarian governments.

Well, I have news for Mr Mailer and for you, dear reader. Forget the failure of our education system. Forget Port-gate. Forget the borders. Forget the war on terror. It's already too late. Don McLane was right. Bye-bye, American Pie, took his Chevy to the levee, and we all know what happened to the levee. It's over. The democracy you thought you lived in is already history, you are just too damned stupid to realize it. You are the frog in the aquarium and the water is long past boiling. There is no going back. Welcome to totalitarianism.

How did this happen? Marxists and any other smart totalitarianists figured it out a long time ago. First gain control of the Media, the Education System and the Courts. Once this is done, you have a stranglehold on the population, the government and the culture. The average American is too docile to fight. This was accomplished in America over the last fifty or sixty years. The Education System turned out armies of Leftist Media zombies, filled our Universities with Leftist educators who in turn spawned armies of plundering ACLU lawyers. These vermin eventually infected the Courts until we got judges overturning common-sense and making rulings such as this: a rancher in one of our border states was daily being terrorized by illegals sneaking across the Mexican border and squating on his land. Exasperated because he could get no help from officials, he took the law into his own hands. Fellow-American lawyers took him to court in the name of the illegals. The judge took the land away from its legal owner and gave it to a group of illegals from El Salvador. Never mind all the details. Think about that. The government takes your land because it sides with the illegal over the legal. Of all the settlements possible, this is the most aggregiously anti-American. At least in Eminent Domain cases, the land owner who is disenfranchised is given some remuneration. But not this rancher. The judge was making his political statement. He was declaring America up for grabs, and to hell with property rights. Judges of this stripe are traitors. They are stinking, low-life traitors who should be taught a lesson.

On the other side of the political coin, we have neo-conservatives using the US military to advance their own One-World agenda. Their version of One-World will follow. The point is we have two competing visions of a One-World, and you, dear reader, have been bought and sold by both. The only step to be completed in our de-democritization is the choice of which of these two totalitarian forms of government will win out. Each wants One-World with THEM as Supreme Leaders. Let me describe both very briefly and overly-simplistically since, as Norman Mailer claims, most of you are all dumbbells.

The Leftist version is a One-World Marxist "Progressive" Society where somebody like Bill Clinton becomes Supreme World Leader. This governing body will take care of all your needs. It will run production and business world-wide in an ecumenical sort of way. Every world citizen will get his loaf of bread and can of coffee, but just enough to live on. They will tell you how to dress, how and where to live, what kind of tiny recyclable paper car you can drive and exactly how many miles you can go. They will tell you where you can go, dictate your healthcare, education and career path. You will not be allowed to own property anymore. Only They will. There will be no more wars, and if you try anything rebellious you will be killed. You will be sterilized for the good of the Motherland - their preferred way of population control. You will be incarcerated if caught smoking or drinking or laughing too much. But you will be able to use your World Credits to buy all the porno you want. Cross-dressing, trans-genderism and man-boy love will be State sponsored. Child predators will be free to do their dirty deeds, but you better not pray to God, be caught playing games or worst of all attending a NASCAR event.

Don't laugh. Look around you at the trends, and at the laws which oftentime just miss being passed by a hair. Next time they will pass.

The Rightist's version is a One-World Corporate Society where somebody like George Bush becomes Supreme World Leader. There will be only two Classes in this aristocracy, the poor and the extremely wealthy. This governing body will take care of NONE of your needs, unless you are extremely poor, in which case they will put you in the care of religious organizations. The rest of you will be free... on your own. Opportunity will be there, especially if you are of the wealthy class. Everyone in the world will free to buy as much bread and coffee as they want. But it will cost $500 a loaf. They won't tell you how to dress, or where to live, or what kind of car you can drive. These will all be your choices. Expensive choices, but your choices. Because they will cost more than most of you Americans will be able to earn since you are so dumb you can't compete intellectually with the hungrier peoples of the One World. This Government won't tell you where you can go, or dictate your healthcare or education. All these will be based on your ability to pay. And you will be allowed to own all the property you can afford. There will still be wars and epidemics because it's their preferred method of population control. You won't be be sterilized, but you will be incarcerated if you use too much porn, cross-dress or are a child predator. On the other hand you'd better not be too fond of high art or cuisine.

So that's it. Take your pick.

Why am I so pissed off? Because I see it infecting America, the Land That I Love, more each day. And it seems to be accelerating. While the average American is asleep behind the wheel. When they pass out the One-World ID cards and implant the chip in your kid's forehead, what will you say? Oh my God, I'm shocked? I was so busy with my job, too busy just surviving, I never noticed? I was too busy taking my kids to soccer practice I didn't see what was happening? Too busy playing poker or partying? These shitty excuses will be laughable when the One-World system steps in to tell you how to live from now on. How stupid can you people be? America talks, talks, talks. On cell phones, on talk radio, in chat rooms, in stupid blogs like this one. As if somehow talking will stop the traitors on both sides from taking the land right out from under you. It won't.

These shits would sell their mother's soul for a dollar. Are there enough smart and loyal Americans left to put a stop to this ungodly takeover? I'm betting there aren't. You know who the enemy is. The most urgent offenders are the Elite Media along with its party-hack guests and bought-and-paid-for pollsters, the Liberal Education Establishment, and Elitist Courts. They must be cleansed by draconian means, by any means possible. This is your only hope, America. Do you understand the implications?

Otherwise, we are all complicit in the killing of America.