
Foley, Foley, Foley

Okay, what can I say?

What you are witnessing here is the complete meltdown of Congress.
Good. I for one am happy.

Representatives and Senators get away with murder, grand larceny, treason and no one makes a big deal about it. But some prancing fop gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar of a boy intern (who I am sure exhudes the same snow white innocence as Anna Nicole Smith) and the Democrats and their lap dog liberal media go off like a rocketful of Viagra. How boring these clock-work October surprises have become. Of course, being clueless as usual, the Republicans reel in horror - Oh my God, he's gay! I let him drink out of my mineral water bottle! - trying to distance themselves from Foley and the inconvenient facts. "I was too busy fixing the Katrina thing down in New Orleans." Yeh, and a nice job you did down there, too.

But keep this in mind. To know who is responsible for all this mess - or for that matter any political or financial machinations - look to who profits most from it. Aha.

But who among us is surprised? No one.
Who among us doesn't think Foley was "October Surprised?" No one.
Who among us doesn't think Foley deserves to have his well-greased butt handed to him? No one.
Who among us doesn't think this is the tip of a very very smarmy iceberg? No one.
Who among us thinks there are still "honest" and moral leaders in Washington DC? No one.
Who among us doesn't think Conress is the greediest bunch of corrupt self-infatuated shits this country has ever spawned? No one.
Who among us doesn't want them all to be tarred, feather and rode out on their fat pampered arses? No one.
Who among us doesn't want a third party to break up the monopoly this bunch of hypocrites has had on the system for as long as we can remember? Well?

If you vote for anyone in either of these two parties, you are perpetuating their game of three-card monty. The American voter is being played for a sap. If there is no alternative, then it doesn't matter which of them gets elected. They are reflections in a mirror - opposite but exactly the same. Two flavors of poison. Take your pick.

Somewhere in this big wonderful country there must a handful of good people who can lead us out of this mess. Where are you? Certainly not in politics! Please, come forward and let us see you. Your nation cries out for you. We can't take these dimwit high school class presidents and Marxist high school newspaper editors anymore. It's not funny anymore. They have gone amok and the country is plunging into a hell where government corruption is no longer measured in the tens of thousands, but in the tens of billions. Like, who will profit most from this 700-mile border fence that won't stop anybody? The fence builder? The fence material supplier. The manufacturer? Or the politician getting 15% of the cost funneled to him under the table?

It is time to clean house on both sides of the aisle.