Like the emperor’s tailors in the Hans Christian Andersen tale (“Kejserens nye Klæder”), President Obama’s political tailors have been providing him with advice which anyone with open eyes can see right through. As in Andersen’s tale, Obama’s sycophant advisors and the fawning media continue to ooo and ahhh at the beauty of his transparent decisions. The rest of us divert our gaze because he’s as naked as a jaybird.
I find it difficult to point to one single presidential decision President Obama has made which isn’t at minimum questionable, or worse; supporting our adversaries’ causes over America’s interests, as well as being designed to produce chaos within our nation’s borders.
These decisions can no longer be excused by pointing to simple ineptitude among the legion of White House advisors and aides. Even Aunt Millie’s 50-year-old Christmas tree doesn’t have that many dim bulbs hanging around it.
A discussion of the scandals and strange decisions – IRS, VA, NSA, CIA, ACA and its website, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, et al. — would go on far too long. It would have to include the “bailout” financial scandals and failures, failures of the Justice Department to prosecute certain crimes, and so much more. So let’s just focus on the recent Bergdahl – Gitmo prisoner exchange as a glaring example.
Learning nothing from, or not caring about past experiences, the White House once again sends out National Security Advisor Susan Rice, Press Sec’y Carney and other flacks to prevaricate for the press. Using the same ridiculous excuses, they deflect any serious questions. “The facts are not all in.” But they are. “There will be investigations to get to the bottom of this.” We are at the bottom. Yet they would have us believe Bergdahl is a hero, a deserter who has somehow in some fantasy served his country well.
All this word-waltzing is designed not to inform the public, but to protect the president by hiding the truth. Set aside the fact that Sgt. Bergdahl appears to be a deserter. Set aside his eMails and the sworn testimony of his platoon mates. Set aside the very peculiar business of Bergdahl’s father’s statements, including that to the press in the Rose Garden. The “secret” we are told by sources outside the White House is that in addition to the Gitmo terrorists released, millions of dollars had been offered, and may have been paid to Bergdahl’s captors for his release.
Why would President Obama go through all this in order to free an American soldier who seems to have denounced his own country, while at the same time the president seems to ignore another American soldier held for questionable reasons in a Mexican prison? Let’s deconstruct this:
1. How can Obama circumnavigate Congress and deliver on his promise to empty Gitmo? I think you can figure this out without me spelling it out.
2. How can our military’s Commander-in-Chief secretly funnel funds to the very enemies of the military he commands? I think you can see the president’s politics, like the emperor’s clothes are transparent.
3. How can the President of the United States signal his “oneness” to our adversaries without appearing to do so? How about standing alongside Bergdahl’s parents, smiling beatifically in the Rose Garden while the father recites what many consider a disgraceful little speech. The media broadcast this speech dozens if not hundreds of times worldwide, signaling, with a wink and a nod, the President’s apparent support of our adversaries.
4. How can the Commander-in-Chief further demoralize his armed forces? By returning the five most dangerous terrorists to the battle. By not demanding the immediate release of the U.S. soldier rotting for no reason in a Mexican prison. By not instituting immediate, stop-gap solutions for the serious problems vets have encountered in the VA scandals. If he can use his pen to piss off Americans, he can use that same pen to help the vets. But when it comes to helping traditional America, his pen always seems to be out of ink. Or he doesn’t carry it while golfing. Has he virtually capitulated to our adversaries by announcing the withdrawal of American military forces from incomplete missions on which they have spent some of our most precious blood and treasure?
The President seems unable to make any decisions which advance America’s own interests, but cleverly disguises whatever anti-American decisions he has made as errors in calculations, and through poorly manufactured transparent falsehoods. But these are not mistakes in judgment. Not when it is a pattern repeated throughout his almost six years in office. Nobody is that stupid. These are deliberate actions designed, as the President promised, to “Fundamentally change America.” The actions are taken knowing the media will not question and the majority of voters are unaware or unconcerned.
Another old political trick is to appoint cabinet members and “czars” who intellectually support his ideology, so that they don’t need to be told what to do; they do it because they intuitively know that’s what the agenda calls for. This affords him plausible deniability. They are pin cushions who willingly accept the pricking for his agenda. Holder, Sebilius, Shinseki, et al. are just the tip.
It’s clear. The President of the United States (and his cohorts) display nothing but antipathy for the traditions of this country. They publicly agree that America is “The greatest country the world has ever known,” and they are damned well going to fundamentally change it, or go down trying.
If, by now, you are still bedazzled by the President, if you still insist he is being severely criticized because his critics are simply racists, or Republicans, or whatever... you are one of those insisting there really is invisible fabric. To the contrary, he and his team have been allowed to get away with far too many obvious shenanigans precisely because Americans are trying too hard to avoid being labeled racists.
None of this has to do with the president’s skin color. It has to do with his policies and actions. They are like the emperor’s suits; anyone with open eyes can see right through them.